Bought some `Vintage Gear`

On a whim and a hunch, I bought some old gear locally. 

Marantz 500 Amp
Marantz 3300 preamp
JBL L200B Speakers

The gear is 46 years be old!!!

It sounds WAY better than I thought. I had a blast tonight. Played it for wife and kids (who think this hobby is rediculous) and they were super impressed.

Anyone every had a similar experience? 

Maybe bc will get a reel to reel next

Wow @noromance. I think you're bordering on antique.


What make/model of amps and speakers are you running?
Not a fan of Japanese 70s solid state multi-button integrated amps. Junkers most of them. 

Your system looks really interesting. I think I would feel odd ever putting a new record on it. It might feel out of place, If you have a collection of old records, you essentially have an audio time machine of sorts.
@glupson Ha! While I have a good collection of older records which sound great, I have newer material which also sounds fine. It does not sound warm and slow but neutral and very fast with lots of detail and inner resolution. Bass is great but missing the lower 20Hz octave.