Bought the wrong subwoofer!

I was planning to buy a Rel subwoofer but stumbled across a good deal for a SVS sb-2000 pro so I decided to give it a try. Turns out that the the pre-outs on my integrated amp aren’t pre-outs at all but are rec outs (should have put on my glasses). The Svs doesn’t have high level inputs and my amp doesn’t have pre-outs so I’m screwed right? Guess it wasn’t such a great deal after all.


The sub itself should attenuate the signal by setting the crossover and the gain/ volume.


Doesn’t the preamp need to be able to attenuate the level of the sub? The sub amp won’t do that.

On another note, every sub I have owned has blended better with the main speakers using the high level inputs. I don’t even try with pre outs anymore.




Have you thought about buying an integrated amp with preamp outputs or separates. That's what I would do.

Call SVS.  Did you pay attention to their return policy?

From their website:  "SVS offers a 45-day, hassle free, in-home audition"

My integrated has only one set of speaker taps. Is ok to connect the converters wires to the same speaker terminals that are driving your main speakers?

That’s how I connected mine. I use banna plugs for the sub and raw wire for the speakers. I actually think the slight impendence change the sub adds helps the overall sound.

Record outs are fixed output so the volume of the sub will stay the same indipendent of the volume of the music... not reallly what you want. Speaker to line level adapters are really inexpensive and worth a try before you sell your sub.