Box speakers that sound like Electrostats?

Has anyone found a monitor or full range speaker that compares to an electrostat?
I don't see how you could try to compare the two. TOTALLY different design and dispersion. I can't imagine ever going back to box speakers myself. I am hooked on ESL's. It will be interesting to see what kind of response you get. aj
lets see, stats are wonderfully fast, excellent microdynamics, very holographic in imaging, but no macrodynamics or bass.

not many boxes can keep up w/ the speed. having heard lots of stats (and i do love what they do, but they're limitations prevent them from making the grade for me). i'd say box speakers you should consider would be merlins, rockports. maybe the VMPS ribbon-based speakers (but havent heard them).
The VMPS RM 40 is as fast and can present a better dynamic range than an electrostat ( or most) . I own both the RM 40 and the Martin Logan Odyssey.
Rhyno, can you explain more what you mean by microdynamics and macrodynamics? I don't believe I have ever heard the words used to describe speakers ( I live a sheltered life :} )and would like to learn.
Thanks, Angela
"lets see, stats are wonderfully fast, excellent microdynamics, very holographic in imaging, but no macrodynamics or bass."

Don't know what you are listening to to make this statement. Some of the best bass I ever had was from stats. If you mean there is no bass hangover and will only go down to 30Hz instead of 25, then yes that is true.

Back to the topic. Try Dynaudio Contour series. Superb detail and speed, tight deep punchy bass, great imaging (with the right equip feeding it) Just as picky about being away from walls!