Brands w/ first order x-over, time & phase aligned

Just curious about what other companies use this approach other than Vandersteen, Green Mountain, and Thiel.

I currently own Vandersteen 2c's, and I may consider trying out a different brand if somebody recommends it. However, I love the Vandersteen sound, and I'm guessing that they are tough to beat.
Hey Robertsong,
I happen to have Roy Johnson's ultimate creation, the Green Mountain Audio Continuum 3 with the latest HX upgrades on it. It already had the HD upgrades when I bought the speakers from the original owner. It has the rosewood side panels and took Roy 4 months to do all the upgrades including sending the speakers to Audio Magic for their zapping of the wires. This is one of only 3 pairs of C3's ever made that now have his latest HX upgrades included. This speaker was the finest Roy ever made and is in very good condition 8/9. Fully adjustable midrange and tweeter modules so you can get the perfect time alignment no matter how tall or short you are along with stunning clarity from the first order crossovers and the individual housing for each driver. These are one of several pairs of highly rated speakers I bought near the same time and my wife would like to have someone remove the extra clutter--it is enjoyable to hear different well executed designs at different times, however. You can go to the GMA website under archived speakers to read about the C3's. The 6moons review was over the top in it's praise and this was before the HD and HX upgrades were even thought of--much better now says Roy. I can't vouch for the changes as I bought them from the original owner without hearing first and Roy put the upgrades latest HX upgrades in fresh after I bought the C3's in Colorado. I live in Illinois. These speakers are broken in and ready to be heard. The HX upgrades were over $2000 and the C3/HD's were last retailed at $17,995 prior to the HX upgrade. I would take considerably less than 1/3 if you wanted to try them out. I have the boxes for shipping. I was a VMPS demonstrator until Brian Cheney passed on and although every set of speakers I have are excellent sounding, I guess I just love the VMPS sound as it hits my idea of music better than the other speakers I have--if I had to make one choice. Others would no doubt feel differently and would tell me I'm nuts to let these go. Who can explain the way they hear things to someone who hears it differently and with dissimilar tastes in how music sounds?


I just went to Vandy Treos from Proacs. Still love the Proacs but no other speaker I heard can match everything that Vandys do in their respective ranges. He keeps making a better and better sounding speaker. I've heard so many brands over the last couple of years and for MY ear, lol, the Vandys were the only one that made me feel the need to upgrade. So glad I did.
Eminent Technology's LFT-8b crosses over from it's 8" cone woofer to it's Magnetic-Planar midrange panel at 180 Hz, via a symmetrical first-order crossover. That panel hands off to the speaker's Magnetic-Planar tweeter strip at 10K, also first order.
Gallo Reference speakers all incorporate 1st order and crossoverless designs as well a time and phase coherency. They are among the least expensive and better sounding speakers that do so...

How true Rlwainright !
If I had any brains I would have just stopped with a pair of Gallo Micros's with one of their fine cylindrical subs.