Bryston BDP-1 vs Bluesound Node 2i

The Bryston can be had for close to the same price as the Bluesound Node 2i (within a couple hundred $).  Not using the internal DAC.  Do you think the Bryston would be better than the Bluesound?
I looked at some of the “older” “higher end” units myself. For casual listening, I’m not sure you can do a lot better when considering ease of use, functionality, and overall sound quality than the Node 2i. The Bryson might be a little better sound quality (might) but you loose a ton of functionality IMO.
I started with a Sonos Connect digital out to DAC.  Then upgraded Connect  to W4S mods for a SQ bump.  Then picked up a BDP Pi for an additional SQ bump.  Then I added The Roons.  I think the BDP MPD sounds a touch better than  The Roons.  If you end up with a Bryston product I would be cool to hear what you think twix Roons and the MPD in Manic Moose, super easy to flip back and forth.   If it were me I would seriously consider picking up the BDP 2 from @jaytor 
@jbuhl forgive me but what is The Roons and "twix Roons"?  Also what is is MPD?

And I did buy jaytor's BDP-2 :)
So you bought the BDP2?  I think you will hear a significant upgrade over the Node2i.