Bryston BDP1- loading problem

hello Bryston BDP-1 owners,

Just bought the Bryston BDP-1 & BDA-1 combo, they sound pretty awesome!
The BDP-1 can load and play the thumb drive Bryston supplied with it fine and also one of mine Western Digital 750GB (FAT-32) hard drive with about 50 albums in AIFF with no problem.

When I connect my other Western Digital 750GB (Fat-32) with about 150GB of AIFF, the BDP-1 took ALL NIGHT and still havent finished loading. I reformatted the drive and load the same files, it still cannot load. Exchanged the drive for a Seagate 500GB: Same problem.

I believe i have the latest firmware (S1.16, 2011-07-15) and the Seagate 500GB only draws 500mA as Seagate rep told me.

Please help!
If you are saying that the drives with which you had the problem are bus-powered (as opposed to having their own ac power supply), did you have them connected to the BDP-1's REAR USB connectors, as indicated on page 5 (pdf page 8) of the manual?

-- Al