Buble's interesting comments on recording

Michael Buble released a new album a couple of days ago--and on it is the mix of old standards which he generally 'owns' when he sings them anew. He also has a couple of originals thrown in which show great promise. But what I found really interesting, was the comments he made during the 'release' interview.
He said that he wanted his album to have the authentic, 'real' sound that one gets when the performers are all in the same room, with the 'sounds' of each instrument, the singer, drummer, etc, all blending together, as they did on some of the old classics, 'motown' for example which were some of his favs.
Isn't it wonderful that a 34 year old has the savvy to realize this sense of 'organic' not polished, and sanitized sound that so many performers try for these days? Well, for the last however many days that 32 track (six million track whatever) became the standard.
He mentioned it on his previous album, as perhaps a precursor to this one, testing, as he said, "hearing me with my flaws and all" but mostly hearing it all, and all real.
Nancy and Cannonball, Paul Desmond, Brubeck, Thelonius Monk, would have been proud to hear hims say this.
Any thoughts by the other, like me purists out there???

Good listening guys,(and our beautiful ladies who write too)
Larry Staples

Try to get Robbie Williams "Swing while your Winning" - you won't be disappointed. Buble is good,damn good, and I have even seen him in concert - a good down to earth lad but he barely holds a candle to Robbie Williams (who can just about help hold a candle for Sinatra)

I agree about the recording quality - which is why I mentioned the Robbie Williams stiff - he is using top class session musicians at Capitol Studios just the same as they did. (Harold Jones on drums - it doesn't get much better than that)
Maybe in the pop world that Buble exists it's unusual to record live in the studio with the musicians together.
Jazz and classical musicians continue to record this way because the interaction between the musicians is essential.
Any recording of the past 20 years by artists like Joe Lovano, Paul Motian, Kenny Garrett, Brad Mehldau Jordi Savall, Tokyo string quartet and hundreds more artists is live in the studio.... nothing revolutionary.

You and I like a lot of the same music so I thought you had lost yer marbles when I looked this one up. Why? Check this out:


Not bad but not exactly "Sinatra-like"

Then, you redeemed yourself when I found the REAL CD you were referring to here:


What are the chances?
Perhaps I didn't adequately set up the comment. I'm aware that many musicians record as a unit, as 'playing off of one another' is essential to creativity. But so few, pop, if you can call Buble pop, (I think they list him as Jazz, a stretch for me)artists have the insight to think this way.
But, having said that, I'm reminded of the movie, 'Across the Universe' in which the director insisted on 'live' performances for that extra sense of realism...and I have to say I'm loving it. Actually, my 17 year old Granddaughter, pointed that out to ME, as I wasn't paying attention--knowing what a nerf I am, she grabbed the liner notes and said, "Hey read this...it's cut live!" What have I created???


Obviously, I was in a hurry and didn't proofread that last comment. It should have read "cool" granddaughter!!

Yes the second is the one I was referring to. As well as being an exceptional recording it has some very nice imaging - you can hear on some of the duets that they seem to be about 2 feet apart in the sound stage. It is a real fun performance - you feel that Robbie and Basie's band are having a ball. Robbie is but a pale shadow of Sinatra but he pull sit off darn well IMHO. After all, Sinatra had years and years to hone his talent so you can think of Robbie as a younger less experienced swinger...

and here he is practicing

Here he is doing the Dean Martin number

and here he is doing a Sinatra Number Live (not with Basie - this is at the Albert Hall)

So much for the Bristish invasion - the Brits are still in awe of such great American music!!!
Good stuff Shadorne. I also watched a YouTube Mr. Bojangles performance from the same live concert - I'd love to hear this kid and his back-up band live.

As usual, you end up costing me money!!! ;-)
My oldest daughter found my Robbie Williams Live (can't remember exactly) which was done in 'Albert Hall'? She immediately fell in love with him. Knowing of his 'preference' I broke the news to her...she just laughed. Dad, you're missing the point, I still LOVE HIM!!
Girls, have three of them and four g-daughters, and still don't understand them.
Anyway, I like the album, LOADED with PRIMO musicians, all obviously cut live with an audience. The studio cut, the last cut on the album was a duet with Nicole Kidmann, "Somethin' Stupid" a remake of Frank and Nancy's '60's hit. It was REALLY good.
I like Robbie, just don't see him as the vocal talent of Michael, but then, voices are like wines, I suppose--sometimes just prererence with no absolute answer. Both are great, and I would say that Robbie is probably a better 'entertainer', 'showman' however you couch it.
Great responses.
Good listening guys and gals.

I think Buble had amazing insight into the "art and beauty" of live recording. It must be wonderful to hear every instrument and every piece of vocal come together.
I have heard his latest album - for many men it will be a great stocking stuffer for the lady in their life. Great stuff.
Hey Shadorne,
I'd like it as a stuffer. I love Buble's style.
Have you seen his PBS Special, "Caught in the Act"?
It is absolutely terrific. Some really good, (some OK) musicians, overall very good musicians. Great visuals, Gosh Groban comes on for a cameo, an Itallian Chick, (forgot her name) with more cleavage than the entire Housewives of Atlanta, in a beautiful blue dress...whoa...
Then a bonus track with Chris Botti, that shows how good he is, as he does a repeat of a song done featuring Buble's trumpeter. The difference was night and day. Kinda unfair since Botti is one of the really good ones out there in a diminishing group.
Check it out, I think you'll like it.
Thanks for the heads up on the new album.

Good listening,
I have never been into big band stuff until I picked up a Michael Bubl'e CD about a month ago and was blown away. I went straight out and bought everything of his I could find and have been impressed with every single one. Present day Frank Sinatra but way more intimate and romantic. It would be unfair to say "better" than Frank, because Sinatra was a pioneer and it is a lot easier to come behind someone who has laid the groundwork but many people come off sounding cheezy (think Bobby Darren) however, Bubl'e is a class act all round, voice, timing, emotion, intonation with a killer backing band - the guy has it all, so much so that I can't listen to the guys who came before him, Frank Sinatra included. Not to knock them but it is like buying a $500 sound system and being very happy with it then moving up to an expensive rig, it is hard to get a kick out of the old one like you once did.