Building crossovers

I have a pair of Magnepan .7 and would like to upgrade the crossovers. Does anybody know where I can have this done. Just build the crossovers I will install.


I've had crossovers built for me by people who repair my brand. I would look for someone who repairs/refurbs Maggie's. 


@arya: Danny at GR Research has several guys who build his speaker kits (including crossovers) for those lacking the tools, skills, and/or desire to do it themselves. I imagine having one of them build you just a crossover is possible, so contact Danny. He's a very down-to-earth, friendly guy.


@arya -

      Don't be dismayed, should your new parts sound less than ideal, upon first listen.

      The better the dielectrics used in construction, the longer the capacitors will take to sound their best.


        Also: the better caps will (usually) have their outer foil lead marked, to help with optimum orientation, in specific applications.





Give Danny Richie at GR Research a call or email. He had had at least one Magnepan model sent to him for evaluation, and he posted a YouTube video in which he discusses and demonstrates what he discovered. As he regularly does with loudspeakers sent to him by customers, he designed a new crossover for that Maggie.


Ah, here it is:


Marchand Electronics can probably help

You might be tempted to get one of their tube electronic crossover that can potentially upgrade pretty-much any speaker. The beauty is that it's fully adjustable and you can set-up any allocations to your taste. These guys can also recommend an array of useful tools to measure all necessary settings.

I built new crossovers for my speakers a couple of weeks ago. I used hookup wire from DH Labs. They have a nice variety. I used 18 gauge on the crossover components and 14 gauge to the new binding posts. I got the amount of Cardas eutectic solder I needed from Ebay. I'm very happy with the results. 

3 caps and a resistor shouldn't be too hard to make. It wasn't easy but worth the effort. And a nice sense of accomplishment. There are YouTube videos you can reference. 

Yep, as said above use the same values and quality components. I like path resistors. hook the ground wire to your black terminal. I used Mundorf in my crossover and it got expensive. but with only one cap go for a good one, silver, gold oil.

I’d probably leave the fuse out (just replace with straight wire) has it ever blown? I think a lot of people take the fuse out of their Magnapans but I’ve never owned a pair so I’m not sure.

And I’d rewire. I used Duelund tinned copper cotton with excellent results.


Edit to add:  since you only have one capacitor, it probably feeds the bass.  but if it does feed the mids or highs, add a duelund bypass cap, .1mF in paralle.  It will cost $50 to $100 per channel.   If it is in the bass feed, then don't bother.

I looked at an image of the crossover board , just one resistor and 3 caps ,

so replace the resistor with  mills or path audio since there is only 1, I used Clarity Purity caps when I upgraded my Thiel 2.7 crossovers . Size , Size and Size , your options can be limited .

Also  replace the fuse with a ceramic one .


BTW, my preference is Mundorf silver/gold/oil caps, Path Audio resistors and Jensen inductors. However, there are many other $$$ inductors. You can find these with an internet search, there are several places to buy them.


I guess the main question is the crossover component values.

If you can determine that, then since you say you can install them, attaching the caps, resistors, inductors are simple. Just follow the established path.
