Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp...

Hi, Folks,
If anyone's interested, I've started a blog with lots of photos, documenting my ongoing build of the Audio Note Kit 1 300B SET amp. If you've ever thought of building any kit before and want to get a feel for what it's like, you're welcome to have a look!
Yep, that connection and sense of accomplishment would seem to be the irreplaceable part of the equation at this time.

Lots of nice suitable fish er I mean speakers in the sea....
Actually there's no disagreement that there are multiple ways to obtain excellent sound, that's recognized here. I just differ that one topology will mimic another. Perhaps it has happened for some but it hasn't been the case for me. I can only reflect on my experiences just as you and others do the same. Anyway its been an interesting exchange of varying points of view. Rebbi has intriguing options to ponder. Rebbi if you find a non SET that does what your current AN Kit amp does as described in your blog please share that discovery with me,
Charles I'll agree with that. Its hard to make exactly the same tasting soup when significantly different ingredients are used. But a good chef might get pretty close. And each chef will likely think their way is better.
Rebbi, I concur with your comment that "I will never buy another piece of electronics". I will not except for a digital front end. I can build the rest for far less money and with much better sound. Plus I love building and learning.

I am spending far more time on DIY forums as compared to this site and other sites like it. I just find DIY so interesting.
Knowledgeable DIY'ers can put bought high end audio to shame. I've seen and heard it with my own ears at Capital Audiofest a couple years back. I'm surprised they let those guys in. They made many the big ticket vendors look silly.