Buying from overseas.

Thinking about buying some speakers from overseas. US from Germany. Wondering what to look out for. Price seems too good to be true. 
They're not in Germany. They're in Nigeria or Benin or Cameroon... 
I want to buy BMW and travel to Germany for it to be customized the way I want. The BMW reimburses the trip and hotel.
Some of those speakers built in Germany similar to MBL can do same.

sorry couldn't hold myself...-:)

if you're  buying from an authorized dealer you should be fine, some products are cheaper in Europe.
However consider that there would probably be no US warranties...
buying used? Don't even bother...

You should watch out for buying speakers from overseas at a price lower than market, unless you are going to fly over there and pick them up when you pay for them. Otherwise don't buy them.
Thank you for all your responses, and advice. The first thing this guy did was direct me off site by private e-mail. After reading your posts, I contacted him again, and said all communication would remain onsite, and that I was leary. I asked him to give me a call so I could see what kind of music we might have in common, so he could play a song, and take a video of the speakers, and himself, and post to U-tube, or send directly to my phone. I also told him that I would not be scammed, and that after receiving the video, I would send money only though Pay pal to a verified account, and address. I have not heard back from him in almost 24 hrs! A pair os Sonus Faber Stradavis at $8k kinda had my suspicions up to begin with. Although, I did just miss a pair a few hrs from me for 10k a week ago. I sent the guy a message about them, and an hour later they were SOLD! Didn’t last 8 hrs! Thank you all again!