Tritonmark -
I used to be a cable-denier. Wire is wire, or so I thought. Don’t listen to me or anyone else as Herndonb has said. Listen to what your ears tell you. Talk to the people at the Cable Co. in New Hope, Pa. They claim to have a "database" that will help them match wire to your specific gear. Borrow some wire (ICs, Speaker Cable, Power Cords etc.) from them. Get what you can afford. Buy it if you like it. Return what doesn’t work. There are an overwhelming number of cable brands out there. No way you can audition all the possible permutations - even staying within a narrow price range. If not liking the Cable Co.’s products, deal with others that will allow an in-home audition. There are lots of high value, affordable options out there. Abandon the delusion that you’ll be able to discover the Platonic Ideal for your exact system or that such even exists! (Oh, heresy!!). Don’t obsess too much. Enjoy the music. Good luck.
I used to be a cable-denier. Wire is wire, or so I thought. Don’t listen to me or anyone else as Herndonb has said. Listen to what your ears tell you. Talk to the people at the Cable Co. in New Hope, Pa. They claim to have a "database" that will help them match wire to your specific gear. Borrow some wire (ICs, Speaker Cable, Power Cords etc.) from them. Get what you can afford. Buy it if you like it. Return what doesn’t work. There are an overwhelming number of cable brands out there. No way you can audition all the possible permutations - even staying within a narrow price range. If not liking the Cable Co.’s products, deal with others that will allow an in-home audition. There are lots of high value, affordable options out there. Abandon the delusion that you’ll be able to discover the Platonic Ideal for your exact system or that such even exists! (Oh, heresy!!). Don’t obsess too much. Enjoy the music. Good luck.