cable and interconnect advice?

I am the proud new owner of a brand new set of acoustic zen adagios ..wahoo.
i run a nu vista m3 hybrid amp
nu vista cd3 morrow ma4
vpi classic benzo
and as of now have 8tc kimber
any thoughts? i have an option to snag a set of tara lab one cables ?
or go for mr lees absolutes.
i would like to get a used pair prefferabley 1-1.5 meter
dont really wanna go over 500 bks so used may be best ,my 8tc kimbers
mostly classic rock,jazz and progressive
tritonmark  ,I firmly believe that cabling makes a difference,subtle and not so subtle. I have spent hours swapping out cables back in the day( i had access to many ).I prefer to think of it this way,depending on your components and there quality there internal wires vary and  are higher grades.In my exerience i noticed the biggest difference between preamp and poweramps,  then components and  then speaker cable .I personnally saw massive changes in the distance of the run ,like a 20ft run will operate or work better with a better cable(try it with cheap speaker chord ) imo .short distance is less noticable, within reason providing you are using a decent wire.10k on a speaker cable?? well ya better have a pair of 75k plus speakers imo .Diffferent cables do sound different and are more lush or warmer then others some are flat.To me the key is what does your setup need to accent it .Is your room bright?speakers? But  isn't the goal to be uncolored, that's what we are shooting  to recreate "The original recording"  just my opinion, i would not shutter to spend 10-15% on cabling of my systems total investment.. more then that i am on the fence ...and remember new cables require burn in to sound at there best.

I second stringreen's comment, I've found power cords to make the largest difference, then, for me, it's a tie between the speaker, interconnect and cables.
Also I second ghosthouse's comment, don't listen to us, reviews, audioholic bloggers, get your hands on a few different cables and listen.  I would not say cables are subtle, but I agree that the speakers are first, and electronics second, but the cables are right there too.  Listen to a few cables with your'll find which one works the best for your system.

I'm with Herndonb - I never fully appreciated the full improvements cables can make until I had installed excellent power cables.

I'd always found good speaker cables provided some benefit, but the interconnects were always marginal.

Then I upgraded my power cables and the whole world changed - now I can hear the difference most all cables make

Power cables would certainly make a change,and so does conditioning the power.Although isnt it really up the the wiring in the house( gauge,grounding etc). and the incoming power? Thats the thing i am understanding more.The condition of the supply electricity.On some level it all matters it becomes overwelming and expensive. My old house had 2 dedicated 20amps straight run into good outlets then a furman. 
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