Cable brands that work well with Cardas?

Are there any speaker cable brands that play nice with Cardas? 
I’m using Cardas Clear Reflection XLR’s and Clear Digital on my components. Top tier Cardas speaker cables are way out of my budget due to the length needed (14ft.) My current speaker cables are vintage Cardas Studio “C” which were made for the pro recording industry back in the 90’s. I have no complaints, I enjoy them immensely however I’d like to get a taste of newer cable. Budget is $800-$1K.



I think the speaker run stands on it's own merits. No need to match a single brand or interconnects, IMHO. 

From my experience speaker cables are the highest priority… then probably amp power cord. Well, assuming you don’t have $0.99 interconnects.


Looking at your system. To me Mark Levinson is really sterile… I think you should wait until you can afford Cardas Clear Beyond cables. I think they are the perfect complement… worth waiting for. 

Go to the Monoprice site and buy some speaker wire. Be frugal! No need for fancy costly boutique brand wire! I can assure you that it doesn't matter! Free yourself from the hype and expectation bias that drives the wire business! 

Now I see even former wire agnostic Herb Reichert touting expensive cables (Audioquest $1K Thunder PC and $3900 Thunderbird ICs) in the June Stereophile when reviewing the Kitsune Holo line stage and DAC. Got to keep the advertisers happy!

Hmmm … I run CARDAS CLEAR too.

I would strongly suggest you rethink sliding down from the your high-end CARDAS array you have . It may -and likely will - dumb down the overall performance step up delivered by those. It is the SUM OF THE PARTS that drives system synergy, You get what you pay for, 

here is a long length 7.5m run CLEAR REFLECTION speaker cables that meet your length requirements at less than half cost from new and he will consider offers