I cook my cables between the TT, the phono stage, the preamp, the amp, and the speakers. Everything in my main systems has no problem logging at least 50-60 hours a week during the winter, about half that during summer. I don't use a steady modulation or tone, just my library. I have revisited source material after a week or two of break-in.... but I am not sophisticated enough, or my short term memory has
gone, well,
I've forgotten where
to tell the difference in cable performance in any realistic way. If something sounded unacceptable at first use I don't have the will power to keep going for some theoretical improvement from poor to wonderful. But I do, and have, secured replacements. I admit my cable budget wouldn't cover the cost of some cable isolation stands, but then I'm more Stoic than Epicurean... I don't spend too much time trying to quantify the subjective-- life is too short I'd rather go record shopping.