Cable elevators


Im kind of bewildered by this one.

I'll admit, it certainly adds a nice cosmetic aspect to a stereo.
Ive never seen these for sale in any High end audio places. What is the purpose of these?
Do they make a difference in sound quality?
Are they purely cosmetic?
Do they serve some other practical function unrelated to sound?

I do like how they make everything seem a little bit more organzied.
After going to a seminar given by Richard Vandersteen, I made my own cable elevators. He stated that speaker cables should be elevated off the floor at least eight inches and should be four inches apart.
I simply took some left over four by four wood from a neighbors remodel, cut them to eight inch lengths, sanded them and painted them flat black, then put wire tie mounting pads on two sides and wire tied my cables to them.
Viola, cables are now eight inches off the ground and four inches apart. Did, the sound change? Not that I noticed but I like them just the same.....
I use wood elevators, and due to the compostion of wood, meaning that is deadens electrical impulses, I find that is works very well..IMHO.
I stumbled into a restaurant supply store over the holidays and walked out with 18 porcelain sugar packet holders, the kind that you see in old fashioned coffee shoppes rather than at a Starbucks. They are now "lifting" my speaker cables and 20' of interconnect. These work well, look quite presentable, and cost $1.50 Cdn each. As for their sonic merits...this is still up in the air!