Cambridge Audion Azur 840 C problems

Hi, I have a Cambridge Audio 840-c C-D player that plays fine when first turned on, but after a while the audio will cut out, than come back on, than cut out again at a fairly consistent rate. Approximately 3 seconds off, than 5 seconds on over and over. Any ideas what might be causing this? Thanks for your help.


I have owned three different 840C's and two of the three have operated flawlessly.  The one with the problem had a cold solder crack on the DAC board that left the CD player and DAC section useless.  It would though operate as a transport.  

Maybe open her up and check for solder cracks or caps leaking.

I had the same problem with a Cambridge integrated. I sent it to the authorized repair facility and they kept it for 3 months. Everytime I called about the amp, it was excuse after excuse why it wasn't fixed yet. When I finally got it back, it started doing the same thing within a month. I called the repair center and told them the problem had started again. The guy started talking to me like I had done something wrong so I told him to F.O. and I packed it up and it now resides in the attic. I'll never buy another CA product.
There is a problem with some of the caps on a couple of the circuit boards that can be corrected with replacement. Contact Audio Plus Services for more info.