Can a power conditioner cause electrical problems?

I recently bought an Isotek Orion Power line Conditioner with Isotek Elite 5 foot Power cord on Audiogon.
Last night as I was hooking up a new amplifier to it, The juice in the electrical outlet cut off.
It went dead.  I had to switch to another outlet.
 I have been noticing other strange behaviors while using this conditioner, including temporary loss of power to components.
Is it possible this conditioner is causing problems? I’m afraid to use it at this point.
@elizabeth  welcome back and Merry Christmas! Long time no see glad to have you back! I hope you stick around!
Though as you say this is the only response you came back for, it's good to hear from you. I hope you find more reasons to do so.

All the best,
 I gave it a few days, then plugged it in again.
You were right.  Everything’s working!
Thank you so much for your help.

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