Can anyone recommend a Phono Pre Amp?

Hello again,
I have a Project 9 with a Dynavector X-H high output cartridge connected to my Musical Fidelity XLPS-v3 by Synergistic Looking Glass active cables. I'm driving all this with Rogue Audio 150 monoblocks through a Rogue Audio 99 pre amp and Martin Logan SL3's. My system sounded bright at first but after about 150 hours of use warmed up quite a bit. The Musical Fidelity is kinda warm but dry. I have also tried the PS Audio phono pre amp that had way more detail but was a little edgy and lacked mid-range warmth. I'm looking to spend about $1ooo, hopefully less. Any recommendations?
Zeal >> Your question: Can anyone recommend a phono preamp ?
The answer is yes.Everyone can recommend at least one as you are finding out.What cant be answered is the sound that you would like.Only you can an answer that.Your Electronics are Rogue.Have you looked into their phono amp? Its fits your price range and with four gain settings should handle your cartridge.
Good luck
Viper, I also tested the P75 Mk2 with a HO cart (10X5) and it didn't sound great either. However, my understanding is that it really shines in enhanced mode with their LO carts.
Thanks for all the feedback fellow Audiogoners, and we are goners. Has anyone heard a Consonance Sig. 40 phono tube amp? There's one for sale on the Gon.
Zeal. I own PS Audio Phono, and concur with you finding on this phono. It sounds flat, liveless, lack of mid range warmth. I recently purchased a K&K SUT to be used with my Zu103DL cartridge, and found the whole sonic change, not only increasing gain. This combination gives me sweeter, juicier, more musical, and warmth like tube preamp.  Image and sound stage are also improved dramatically by using K&K SUT.  I also owned EAR 834 Deluxe early for 4-5 months with my previous TT, and feel that K&K + PS Audio reveal more details, more dynamic and lower level bass than EAR 834. 

Now I am sitting on 2 dilemmas for upgrading my phono stag set up, whether to replace the SUT with a better one like EAR MC3/MC4 / Auditorium, or to replace the PS Audio with tube phono stage.  However, a few of the great features of  PS audio phono that I will miss are its flexibility, allowing gain and loading choices and gain control knob to be used as volume. My PS audio (which is latest version)  also comes with remote control function. 

My current TT set up includes Nottingham 294 and Benz Micro Wood L2 cartridge.

I found the SUT is worthwhile option to explore although a lot of people dislike it.