Can Silver Interconnects be bright in your gear


I am considering getting a pair of silver interconnects
by Crystal Clear Audio Master Class series.My system tends to lean on the bright side due to my room acoustics.i was just wondering if a pair of silver interconnects can add to this problem?And does anybody have experience with Crystal Clear Interconnects?
...silver can transfer more signal compared to copper
With due respect, that is a common misconception. I suspect it originated as a result of misinterpretations of the fact that silver is a slightly better conductor (i.e., has slightly lower resistance) than copper, assuming equal gauges and lengths. With marketing literature written by technically misinformed or insincere people perhaps also being a contributing factor.

Keep in mind that a copper cable will have considerably less resistance than a silver cable of equal length if the copper conductors are simply made one gauge size larger.

Also keep in mind that a copper cable will have less resistance than an identically designed silver cable if the copper cable is shorter than the silver cable by more than about 8%.

Also keep in mind that the effects of a cable's resistance are dependent on the relation between that resistance and the impedances of what it is connecting. Under any reasonable circumstances the resistance of an analog interconnect cable will therefore be of no significance. And the difference in resistance between silver and copper will almost certainly not matter in the case of a speaker cable either, unless perhaps to a very slight degree if the impedance of the speaker is low and the cable length is long and the gauges of the cables being compared are both equal and narrow.

I don't doubt that silver cables tend to sound different than copper cables that are otherwise identical, but contrary to popular belief differences in their resistance and conductance are not the reason, under nearly all circumstances. And, again with respect, references that are sometimes seen to silver being able to "transfer more signal," or being able to transfer "more information," are statements that have no meaning.

-- Al
Thank You for the information. I was not aware of this and had only read about it on the net.
Hello Al,
I agree that the often touted "lower resistance" of silver in reality/practical terms is negligible. I do however find that for what ever reason high quality silver just sounds better than equal quality copper. This is based purely on personal listening experiences and isn't scientific by any means. I can't explain it but I certainly hear it. Silver consistently sounds more natural and has less coloration, in other words more pure sounding.
12-25-14: Charles1dad
I do however find that for what ever reason high quality silver just sounds better than equal quality copper.

Charles, your forgot one very critical point, adding IMHO.

From my experiences, I have found that silver can sound better than copper, gold, or palladium, in certain systems, with certain equipment. Equipment, like cables, have certain sonic signatures. I have found that silver works better with equipment that is more musical, while copper or gold may work better with equipment that is more revealing. Bottom line, there are many ways to achieve sonic nirvana.

Some like revealing cables with musical gear, while others like revealing gear with musical cables. Obviously there are even those who like (or think they like) musical gear with musical cables and/or revealing gear with revealing cables. I add think they like because I do know of some who swear that their gear and cables are both revealing or musical, and my experiences with their gear or cables with other gear or cables leads me to believe otherwise.

For me, this lesson was driven home years ago when I first bought my Parsifal Encores. After a couple of demos at the dealer, I fell in love with them and bought a pair. Up until this point, I had tried silver cables a few times with no success. When I first hooked the Parsifals up in my room to my copper cables, I was very disappointed. The sound was dull and lifeless. Two days moving speakers around did not help at all. I called my dealer and told him of my problems. I knew he was running BAT tube gear, which I also had at the time, it was then that he told me he was running all silver cables. I switched to silver and viola, everything fell into place, the system sounded wonderful again. I lived with the Parsifals for 6 years, and always used silver cables.

At this point in time I do not believe that silver is any better sounding than copper though. It can be with the right equipment. However, copper can also sound better than silver with the right equipment. Another variable is implementation, not all silver, or all copper being equal.

I would like to try Ocellia cables one day, Onda is another one on the list. Too many toys, not enough time or money. I did just pick up a pair of Amadi Cable Maddie Signature interconnects that Bill (Grannyring) is always raving about. I haven't had them long enough to form an opinion yet though. Currently, I am using gold (KCI Silkworm+)ic's, silver and copper (Stealth Hybrid MLT) sc's. I've found that I can live with silver mixed with copper, as long as both are separate solid core conductors. I do not care for plated versions, but I do know folks who do. That is why they make so many different flavors. As always, this is IMHO, obviously YMMV.

The only way to know for sure what works best for you is to try the cables in your own system. Just as no one can tell you which ice cream flavor you will like best, no one can tell you what conductor or cable you will like best. There are no shortcuts, to find the truth, you have to do your own homework. I'll also add that one change can change everything. Change an amp, speakers, etc., and you may well find yourself re-wiring the whole system again.
This does not include those that build their systems around their cables though. Yes some folks love their cables so much that they will change equipment to suit their cables instead of changing cables to suit their equipment, but that is another thread entirely.

Hi John,
I don't disagree with one word you have written. When I post my thoughts and opinions I try to make it clear that they are"personal" observations(John I stated personal experience rather than IMHO in my post above, same meaning). There's no intention to make my impressions all encompassing and universal for all, no way. I'll never hear more than a small(tiny) fraction of the many cables available. Even if somehow I did hear them all it wouldn't matter. It you change 1 or 2 aspects of your system, the pecking order of the favorite cables will ineviably change. There are simply too many variables involved to declare any cable (component, speaker, anything) the "best" choice for everyone in all situations.

I enjoy participating in what I find to be interesting forum threads and sharing my 2 cents worth of personal listening experiences. It doesn't extend beyond that level of magnitude for me. All I simply meant to express here is that silver cables have been a major success in my audio system as currently configured. Silver+DHT tubed components+ efficient speakers= pure musical joy and realism, I'm very happy. John, by the way I always enjoy reading your comments on this site.
Best Regards,