Rotation or even better more than one system and music in multiple rooms.
I can understand the NEED to listen music in different room with different systems if someone can afford it...
But it is not AUDIOPHILE MATTER basic... Only a luxury...
Audiophile basic is : how could i manage to make at least ONE audio system with the goal set toward his optimal working S.Q. ?
Confusing this problem with the urgency to upgrade or to the need by frustration to have many "not so well "rightfully embed audio system and moving the problem with our frustration around, is not an audiophile method...It is a chicken walking without head....Sorry....
It is one thing to own many audio systems because we can afford them and another one to learn and know how to rightfully embed each one of them and each specific room...
When all this will be done anyway for each system someone own, in many rooms, there will be AT THE END a better one, linked to the quality of the gear and the way it is possible to control the corresponding acoustic relation to this one specific system to one specific room.... Then the others system will be of no more great sex appeal sonically or only less appealing appendices...
One system rightfully done is enough....The luxury to own many systems is not an audiophile matters but only an economical one...And also a practical one, a bedroom or a bathroom or a living room cannot be dedicated audio room by definition, and music quality there will exist with heavy acoustical compromises...
Having music in all rooms is great but had nothing to do with audiophile ideal goal and endeavour...The reason is manifest and simple: ALL ROOMS CANNOT BE ACOUSTICALLY CONTROLLED....This will be absurd and preposterous...
I can connect my actual system to other pairs of speakers in all rooms of my house, but none will compare to the sound of my DEDICATED audio room....
All these thinking about "upgrading" urges and " rotating" or creating many systems, most of the times reflect our own impotence to create only one which will be very good and which will crush anyway all the others speakers in all the others non dedicated room...
Speaking like that reveal that some people have never own or listen to a rightfully embed audio system S.Q.
This is not a question of money first, but of knowledge first and last....
The "need for novelty and change" which the OP spoke about must be someday no more about sound but when thing are done right about music listening choices....
Otherwise there are laid before us the road to conditioned frustrated consumerism by ignorance of electrical, mechanical and acoustical basic embeddings controls of the gear we already own... Plain and simple....
If your gear is already well chosen to begin with for sure....
Mature audiophile listen music itself through sounds, not to sound itself through any music like immature one....