OP -- love this thread. I hear you, big time. I think rotating cartridges is one way to do it; I have a lot of fun with that.
I do believe there is such a thing as "better," I believe in some degree of objectivity, and I totally reject the notion that the difference between a $5k system and a $300k [well-balanced, well-chosen] system comes down to bling and casework (that's just demonstrably wrong). But two different high end, well-chosen, well-balanced systems in two different, acoustically-friendly rooms? Well, one's preference could come down to listening mood, chosen recordings, what you had for lunch, etc. And that's where I think a ton of fun can be had. But if I inventoried my purchases, sales, detours, and mistakes, I'd be forever-considered an idiot on these pages. So, I won't.
Sleeping princesses come in different guises. Also, I prefer princesses who are awake, enjoy a nice walk around the palace grounds, with a sense of humor, who are really comfortable with and unapologetic about the fact that -- by virtue of their royalty -- they kinda own me and the other dwarves.
I do believe there is such a thing as "better," I believe in some degree of objectivity, and I totally reject the notion that the difference between a $5k system and a $300k [well-balanced, well-chosen] system comes down to bling and casework (that's just demonstrably wrong). But two different high end, well-chosen, well-balanced systems in two different, acoustically-friendly rooms? Well, one's preference could come down to listening mood, chosen recordings, what you had for lunch, etc. And that's where I think a ton of fun can be had. But if I inventoried my purchases, sales, detours, and mistakes, I'd be forever-considered an idiot on these pages. So, I won't.
Sleeping princesses come in different guises. Also, I prefer princesses who are awake, enjoy a nice walk around the palace grounds, with a sense of humor, who are really comfortable with and unapologetic about the fact that -- by virtue of their royalty -- they kinda own me and the other dwarves.