Vinyl is simply more involving than digital - period. It is no wonder that you are being pulled into the listening chair when playing your analog rig; involvement is one of analog's main attributes. I listen to digital when I am feeling lazy or want to pop in some background music. Some folks have mentioned to me, "if your analog rig sounds that much better than your digital rig, you need a better CD player." Tee-hee...I already own one of the best CD player out there, so much for that logic.
Can you Listen to Vinyl Casually??
Me, if I spin my vinyl and try to do work around the house or whatever, I am envariably drawn to sit down and listen to the music. Just can't help myself.
With CD or radio - I could care less and do other activities all day.
Anyone else experience this strange behaviour of vinyl addiction ??
With CD or radio - I could care less and do other activities all day.
Anyone else experience this strange behaviour of vinyl addiction ??