cardas speaker positioning

I have my speakers positioned within a living space. Compromised, but acceptable. With a few quick room tweaks, not bad.

Been feeling the upgrade bug lately, so I moved my 7 year old boxes into the recommended
Cardas position! My system now sounds like all the money I dumped into it.
Now I’m imagining those NEW speakers in this position!

A reminder-you really do have to get the speakers to play to the room.

I DO hear all the ’phile adjectives, but man, it sure looks ridiculous.

Without a dedicated space, how the heck do you guys explain having speakers (3-4ft+) out in the room to the S.O.?

Just curious, as I don’t have to answer to a "higher authority"

The girlfriend rolls her eyes anytime she sees what’s going on in my place.

audioconnection- I see the 5's used at the upper end of my budget. If I decide on something in this range, those Vandy's just never appealed to me aethetically.

Great sounding speakers, never heard a show setup that wasn't pleasant.

Sonics are paramount, but I like looking at nice sounding funrniture.

It only looks ridiculous to non audiophiles. Those cabinets are on the job.

As soon as I plop most guests into the sweet spot and play something familiar no explanation is necessary. For those who still don't get it I might go as far as to refer them to my audiologist.

There's a very simple cure for that eye rolling thing and its not the Moe Fine two finger eye poke. 
Only you can decide in your mind
if you want to participate in the satisfaction of music with performance and true functionality or be a slave to fashion repeating
Wee nee wow speakers with the expectation of different results not me pal life's too short 

"As soon as I plop most guests into the sweet spot and play something familiar no explanation is necessary."
m-db: same thing happens here. Then, a response such as-"it sounds better than something at Best Buy" 

Nothing like affirmation, especially when Best Buy is in the same sentence!

audioconnection-indeed, like is too damn short. Im leaving my speakers in their new position, and deciding if I REALLY do want fund an extravagant purchase.

Even passive listening with my old Mac MR71 tuner, has been elevated.

I've been using the Cardas formula for a few years
ever since I started using their cables,
The equilateral triangle is the key,
wall space depends on the speaker porting,
my previous speakers had a rear port so being further away
from the front wall was important, distance was about 7 feet
apart and to the sweet spot.
my current speakers have a front port so I can be closer to the front wall,
now at at just over 8 feet apart and to the sweet spot
Toe-in can be a difference of a 1/4 inch between good and great.
Moving the speakers is free and in most cases easy.
Room treatment can make a suprising improvement.
Have fun.