Cartridge Alignment Newbie Question

Sorry to bother you guys again. When I mount my cartridge (Goldring) using Rega's alignment tool, the cartridge seems to be aligned although when looking at the cartridge mounting screws on the RB300 headshell they are not perfectly side by side. Is this a normanl occurance? or if the screws are not perfectly side by side is this an indication that my cartridge may not be aligned properly, or crooked?

Thanks to all for helping me set-up,
Marcus, very few cartridge bodies are perfectly aligned with their cantelivers and stylus. so when you are looking at the relationship between the cartridge body and the headshell.....don't even worry about how that looks. it is only about where the tip of the stylus is (and it's alignment and angle). i have 3 very expensive cartridges that all have noticeable alignment problems in respect to body verses stylus.....and all play perfectly once the stylus is properly located.

now if the canteliver is bent that is another is important that the relationship between the canteliver and the magnet assembly be aligned for even channel separation.
It shard chwecking the cantilever so what about my drawn lines on the alignment tool question?

Marcus, i'm not familiar with your particular cartridge. it may be that based on the tools you have you will have to rely on the cartridge body for alignment. if you have alignment tools that measure the stylus then that would always be the more valid approach.....but no approach is perfect so don't stress on it too much. if you have conflicting measurements then the best approach would be to try a few different ways and listen for which way sounds best and tracks the best.

I've been away from vinyl for a long time, but I did use a DB alignment protractor, which I still have. If you're interested in buying it, let me know.