Cartridge Loading.....Part II

I read last night the below noted discussion with great interest.  It's a long post but worth the effort and I found it interesting.

It started me thinking about the amount of loading on my moving coil cartridges.  Years ago I purchased my first MC Cart, a very nice Benz Micro Glider, medium output of 0.5 mV as I recall.  At that time I inquired about loading here on Audiogon.  I was convinced, via discussion, by another member, that 300 Ohms was the magic number, so I thought.

Time moved onward and my second MC Cart is currently a Lyra Delos, again medium output 0.6mV.  Both carts had Boron cantilevers', 6 nines oxygen free copper coils and line contact diamond stylis.  When I set up the Delos I did not change or even consider 'loading' changes.  That was a grand mistake.....

Well, thanks to this specific thread I started to second guess myself . (you can do this when retired and more time is on your hands....)

My take from this recent thread is as follows.  Load at 100 Ohms or at 47K Ohms with a quality MC cartridge.  I opened up my Conrad Johnson EF1 Phono Stage this afternoon.  Found it set at 500 Ohms loading.  100 Ohms is not an available setting.  Damn...All these years I've been running the wrong loading, and on two carts, back to back...  I don't recall why I set the loading at 500 Ohms.  Faulty logic.

I reset the loading to 47K, buttoned things up and called the wife in for a listening session.  Sure as heck both of us noticed the highs were crisper and more 'apparent' than in the recent past.  Not a huge difference, but yes, a difference..  Hard lesson learned!

So, you smarter folks on this site might banter amongst yourselves, but in reality there are those of us, behind the curtains, reading and listening!  I just wish I hadn't wasted all those years listening to the incorrect load setting!

Ending with a sincere thank you very much!!




Now that I have better designed phono preamps, most of my MC cartridges sound better at 47K loading. There are a couple, especially my Denon 103R that sound better with lower loading, but I like the 103R at 1.6K rather than 100 or 400 ohms.

Since changing loading can't hurt the cartridge or the rest of my system, I'm happy to experiment with all the different settings, regardless of what's considered correct.

FWIW, I like some of my MM carts at 68K rather than 47K. I wish I had 100K to try easily.

Bottom line, I trust my ears.

Dear @quincy  : " My take from this recent thread is as follows.  Load at 100 Ohms or at 47K Ohms with a quality MC cartridge. "


No, it's not that way. Your phono stage has several load choices from 200 ohms to 47k and what you have to do with both cartridges as the Delos is to test the quality performance in your system starting at 200 ohms and then change to the other choices till you decide which load is the one that fulfill what you like the more.


This is the Lyra J.Carr cartridge designer Delos load advice:


Recommended load directly into MC phono input: 97.6ohm ~ 806ohm. )


Btw, " all those years listening to the incorrect load setting.. "  :

no, was not incorrect according with Lyra 500 ohms is inside a " correct " load impedance range Lyra advise.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,



I'm not an experienced pro, nor a technical engineer:  the instructions on my MC just recommend about 10x cartridge impedance, and, as @rauliruegas indicates, the instructions on my Lyra cartridge recommends anything between 100 to 1000 ohms.  

The phono stage (Manley Steelhead) recommends just listening to the cartridge at various loads, and pick what sounds best.  

I don't know what implications there would be with a SUT.  

I suppose this is all variable, depending on the capabilities of the phono stage, as Ralph @atmasphere seemingly explained in the previous thread.  

Best wishes to everyone, and I hope everyone is enjoying their music.  

Ultimately it depends on your ears. There really isn’t a “right or wrong”. Personally, like others I have found 47k to be way to bright/harsh when tried. I have usually settled into more of a “loaded” sound than “unloaded” as I prefer the generally beefier low end. That’s my preference. Have fun with it. One day you might like X loading, the next Y… makes it fun.

Just to share: my Lyra Kleos sounds best anywhere between 60 to 500 ohms depending on recordings (overly dark ones at 500, overly bright ones at 60 and 400 for most, that's why I love the PS audio stellar phono preamp with its instant ohms adjustment on the remote). However the changes are not very significant. On the other hand, my new Sumiko Starling sounds best between 100 and 280 but changes are much more significant. Anything 300 and higher, count me out since it loses its slam. BTW, love this cart, much more fitted to my "head banger" style of music than the Kleos. Term often referred to here by some and always by my wife at home 🙂 That's why I built the house of stereo. Now you know.

Kleos for acoustic and classical, Starling for everything else in my setup.