Chakster, how do you know that any manufacturer’s compliance rating is at 10 or 100 Hz. It usually does not say. Certainly the math is done at 10 Hz RF = 159 divided by the square root of Mass X Compliance. So it makes more sense to report it at 10 Hz. You assume that just because a cartridge comes from Japan that it is automatically reported at 100 Hz.
Yes, and basically this all you need to know. You will never find a Japanese cartridge designer who will use 10Hz, maybe there are an exception, but 99,9% of the Japanese designers always use 100Hz.
Keep it as a cultural thing, it’s JAPAN, not USA
I do not own a Dynavector.
I owned 3 different Dynavector LOMC and over 60 different Japanese cartridges (new and old) of all types. So I have some personal experience.
Moving magnet cartridges tend to be more compliant than moving coil cartridges because their moving mass tends to be lower. I have an Audio Technica VM95ML It’s compliance is listed as 7 um/mH at 100Hz. That would make it 14 um/mN at 10 Hz. This AT is less compliant than the Dynavector?
Some MM (MP) carts like Nagaoka are low compliance, cheap Ortofon Concorde and OM are also very low compliance cartridges and they are MM.
Yes. Dynavector KARAT is higher compliance than some modern MM.
Obviously it would help if the manufacturers would specify specifically how the compliance was measured.
All manufacturers (except for Japanese) are using 10Hz to measure Dynamic compliance (All American and European manufacturers).
Japan is always 100Hz, this is rule №1
Dynavector compliance is just like ZYX (12-15cu @ 100Hz). And when I asked ZYX via US distributor it was confirmed. They think it’s not good to measure a cartridge using 10Hz, so they are using 100Hz instead for safety reason! It was like a quest for me 7 years ago to figure out how and why it's 100Hz and how to convert it back to 10Hz.