Cartridge upgrade

I currently have a VPI Classic 2 with a Benz Micro Glider medium output cartridge. I am thinking of upgrading but am not sure what price range I have to go to to get meaningful improvement. For example will a $`1500 budget do it? If so what to get? Thanks.

Yeah, you’re right, the FR-7 series have appreciated in value. I believe the even rarer FR-7fc (with conical tip of all things!) is now listed on eBay for over $3k. Phew.

So far I only tried the P-3G (= PP-300), but if that is anything to go by the PP-1000 (or previously P-1G) must be truly fantastic. There’s now even a PP-2000 if you really want to let it hang out......

FR-7fz (which would also cost you around $1500 in ’previously cherished’ condition).

Once in 5 years only if you’re lucky, more realistic price nowadays is something like $2500 and it will be sold pretty quick as they are mega rare. I’ve noticed that even FR-7f is often available for sale re-tipped, but sellers didn’t give a word about it in the listings (i can see too much glue around the diamond). So the buyer must be an expert to recognize fake diamond.

Interesting info about Phasemation, they are popular only among the Japanese audiophiles. Have you tried PP-1000 ?

In general buying a new cartridge is to play it safe, but the pricing of top level MC's has recently gone completely out of control. And top prices do not necessarily amount to top sonics. 

Thankfully there are still some exceptions: $1500 will buy you a brand new Phasemation PP-300. If you're patient you might even find the earlier Phasemation or Phase Tech (previous brand name) P-3G (previous model name, but sonically identical) for under $1000.

For me the P-3G is an absolute 'steal' when considering new cartridges. It can hold its own against some very stiff competition around here. The synergy with an FR-64S tonearm is 'set and forget' and sounds almost as good as with an FR-7fz (which would also cost you around $1500 in 'previously cherished' condition).

If you're inclined to try your luck in the 'vintage MC arena', there are plenty of other fantastic options within your budget, even taking into account the cost for a retip. 

You may want to go to Soundsmith official website and read. I went with moving iron, started with Zephyr then moved up to Zephyr MIMC Star, had Zephyr retipped, and will get the Star retipped. They sound and track great. Super bang for the buck value. Using a Manley Chinook with vintage tubes.
Well, Denon 103 is also widely popular cartridge, but it's absolutely awful.
Popularity means nothing as much as the professional reviews. 

I've noticed that some people who likes modern cartridges never ever tried some of the the best vintage cartridges today in camparison to those overpriced modern ones. 

I also would consider Raul’s suggestion of the Ortofon Cadenza Bronze. I loved its presentation and after years of intense use I sent it back to the factory for a complete rebuild. Moved to the Ortofon Windfeld Ti so it now remains new and unused as a backup. Haven’t been able to part with it though I love the Windfeld...
wow those are some rare carts! Seem like they are difficult to acquire so maybe something more mainstream ha ha
Have you heard about Miyajima cartridges ? Models like Shilabe and Kansui ? They are not in your price range, but if you're looking for some organic sound then try them. 

I'm sure Fidelity-Research MC cartridges like Fr-7f or PMC-3 is what you have to check for the same reason if you have the right tonearm for them. 

Clearaudio cartridges made by Audio-Technica (with AT generators) if you don't know. The vintage AT-ML180 OFC is unbeatable, but very rare!  Victor X-1II is another vintage MM adored by many on audiogon, simply seach for feedbacks from many users. 


oh, OK so I am using a Modwright LS100 with a phono stage. It supports both MC and MM. It has plaenty of gain and is a good preamp. Im sure i can spend lots more to get better. I was thinking Clearaudio or Soundsmith? I think the Lyra cartridges are little too clear sterile to me. Prefer a warmer sound. I find MB is pretty natural if not the last word in detail.
What if you want to upgrade phono stage too ? What would you like to improve ? This is debatable but I think that phono stage should be better than cartridge, and often, with the exception of vintage cartridges, this means at least double the price.
If you would like to upgrade whithout spending too much then MM or MI path is the best, in $400-1500 you can buy some exceptional cartridges, mostly vintage ones (from the 70s/80s), but can be found NOS (unused). You already have an MC from respected manufacturer, maybe you want to try some killer MM or MI ? If your top is $1500 believe me it’s enough for the very best ones!