Cartridge upgrade

Hi all.  I have a quick question.  I have a Marantz TT-15S1 turntable that I've been enjoying for the last couple of years.  I am still using the included MM Clearaudio Virtuoso wood cartridge that has served me well so far.  At the end of last year, I upgraded my phono stage to a Manley Chinook that I like a lot.  I am looking to upgrade my cartridge this fall.  I was looking at Kiseki Purple Heart NS.  My question is this, does it make sense to put a $3,400 cartridge on a $1,700 (base audiophile) table?  I imagine there will be some sound improvement but how much?


I have the same TT.  I wasn't super impressed with the Virtuoso wood cartridge despite the great reviews.  I bought a Hana ML moving coil cartridge and it was a big improvement.  I'm using it with a Sutherland TZ Vibe phono preamp. 

Plenty of nice $1K or less carts to choose from. Get the next level table/arm combo first.

I use the  Kiseki Blue found for $750 used with low mileage. 

Upgrade turntable before cartridge. Your own deduction is sound. 

does it make sense to put a $3,400 cartridge on a $1,700 (base audiophile) table?