CD/SACD Player Recommendation

A few years ago (2000-2004), I owned a Wadia 860x that satisfied my every digital need in spades but I had to sell it for a lack of cash and limited space reasons at the time.

I'm still somewhat cash strapped but have regained some space in the house and would like to get a CD/SACD Player for a new system I'm putting together: B&K 2220 balanced Power Amp and Paradigm Studio 100 (Version 4) speakers.

I realize that a lot of technology has changed since that time and I'm hoping that a (decent to great) unit might be available (new or used) for under $2000.00 that can connect directly to a power amplifier thus negating the need for a preamp (a CD/SACD Player having an on-board volume control). It must play SACD as well as Redbook. Balanced outputs would be a plus but not a deal breaker. If direct connect is not an option at this price point, I currently own a PS Audio PCA-2 Preamp that I would gladly use?

Does such a Player exist at this price point as far as any of you know? Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated. If not, I'll re-think my goals.

I'll echo the Denon recommendations. A few years ago, I got a modified demo Denon 2910 from David Schulte at the Upgrade Company. It replaced a Cambridge Audio D500SE and sounds much better to me. Not that I think you should try to find another 2910 but if the Upgrade Co. is still mod'ing. Denons, it's something to consider.
Deep thanks to all of you that have replied. For the time being, I'm making do with an Oppo BDP-83 Special Edition that sounds somewhat spectacular; however, I would be the first to admit that there are better candidates out there. First, it's not balanced and second it has no independent volume control both of which I would ascribe a huge premium in terms of eliminating a pre-amp. Still, it really sounds wonderful through my Paradigm Studio 100 V.4 speakers.

If anyone can add to this thread regarding my original questions I would be very grateful; but in the interim, I will listen as such to the system as described. Thank you again to all that have replied.

I have the Onkyo C-S5VL. The only drawback is, it only cost $369 new. Won't impress your friends. Plays CD / SACD and has filters.
If you ever can find used APL HiFi SACD/CD Player then grab it; I know of no better players and I believe I auditioned most of them. Moreover, in contrast to most manufacturers, APL HiFi is willing to work with you to modify your player to the current standards.

I have older NWO-S1 player and now its being upgarded to NWO-M equivalent level and I can't wait until I will get it back !!!!

All The Best
Consider a used Denon DVD-5910. They were $3500 new and are available for around 650 used. The Denon DVD-3910 is also very nice and can be had for a song (around 400). It's last list price was 1500 new and was just discontinued. I'm not sure about the variable outputs. I realize these are universal disc players but they are quite musical (especially the DVD 5910).
You should look into the Denon 100th Anniversary SACD player. They didn't make many of them, they may be getting hard to find. I listened to it at least 4-5 times and it is a warm but very detailed player, I loved it. It has digital inputs so you can hook it up to a computer and listen to high resolution music, plus plays SACD. You do need to have a pre-amp though.