CDs: Deep Storage

All of my listening is now server based (with all respect to Pettyofficer!), but I continue to own, and buy, CDs.

I need a way to "file" my CDs in an orderly (for me, alphabetical) fashion. I don't need easy access, since I tend not to look at my CDs after ripping them, but I want adding new discs to storage (in order) to be fairly straightforward.

So: does anyone know of reasonably priced dedicated CD storage boxes? (If there is some kind of packaging I could repurpose for free, that would be even better.)

I'm *not* looking for racking or shelving (such as Boltz); I just need an efficient way to stash my dormant CDs in a storage space.

As ever, your insights are very welcome.

I picked up some plastic storage boxes made for CD's at The Container Store here in MA. They work very well and have very good lid locks.
Here is a link to the Container Store product.
They are stack-able, cost 16.99 and hold 120 CD's or 54 DVD boxes.
The Large Flat Rate boxes from the Post Office will hold about 65 Single Cds nicely, and they are free.