craigza, If you like your 8Ti/HC's, you should try and get a chance to listen to the new Model 12 mono's. I have the Model 10 stereo, and I am very impressed with it, this from a longtime Rowland amp fan. I actually thought about getting a used Model 2, simply because my power needs aren't that great and I love the sweet tone of the older Rowland amps. Who cares if they smooth things over a bit, they're just so easy to listen to, I love them! So I was very pleased to learn after buying the Model 10 sight-unseen (and waiting 10 weeks for delivery; ugh) that it retains the traditional Rowland tone, but with better inner detail and transient attack. I would imagine the Model 12 mono version is simply outstanding. And of course, the added bonus: they're not as $*&^@ LARGE as the 8's! Though stacked one atop another is quite a funny sight.