Changing from my pl600 (silver, DD) but I have shaky hands

I do realize my Pioneer pl600 is the weak in my audio chain. I currently use an ortofon 2m bronze. Considering an upgrade to a Hana mL cartridge. I fear that much more cartridge than that would outstrip my turntable’s ability, at least to be worth the additional cost.

Regarding my hands, I am 49 and have essential tremors (different than Parkinsons). For me to continue with vinyl, I fear that an automatic turntable is what I need

Regarding my other electronics, I have a gold note ds10+ and a ph10. preamp and 211s amp is new audio frontiers. Speakers are the wolf von Langa son, all on a Beaudioful rack


So I feel that the rest of my system is able to handle an analog/turntable upgrade. Given my physical limitations, is there something I am missing? For what it’s worth, I have a spare silver pl600 that is at least parts worthy


I don’t do all vinyl. I stream a lot. But I do enjoy listening to my albums















Dear @wvl  : I agre@mijostyn .


Now, you own only a " few " LPs and if I was you instead that go with the Hana plus a new TT invest all the money to up-grade your digital alternative and you will be sursprised how easy surpass your analog in that price range.


If you insist to follow with analog then instead to buy the Hana you can change the Ortofon Bronze stylus for the Black LVB 250. Cartridge stylus are interchangable between the Bronce and the Black with all the advantages mijos posted.



Your TT is a good one from back in the day, and IMO beat the pants off the Technics 1200 manual models.

If you can have the tonearm/IC wires replaced/upgraded locally (sans shipping) that's where I would start - then look into different cartridges. 


@wvl , The PH 10 is a fine phonostage. If you really want to go moving coil I suggest you go for a Lyra Delos. If you lean towards rock and jazz you probably would be happier with the 2M LVB. To get a moving coil that dynamic you would have to spend a lot more money. 

I am not a big fan of step up transformers. But, that is a different topic.

Delos owner….couple now… know lots of other Delos and Lyra owners….. it would  NOT be on my short list for your needs which include dealing w occasional ( we and you hope ) mishap , retaining the emotional and historical relationship w your current TT and the modest but important to you collection of records…  

Where you did get partially good advice, strongly agree w field or dealer replaced stylus assembly vs. ship to Japan and ?  For the factuality challenged, my Lyra dealer has a few Delos in Japan, has for awhile and the current exchange dead for new is $1,350 and tax.

I can assure you after countless hours listening to various Ortofons, a Bronze is better , way better than the 2 above it….. IF they are not setup perfectly…..

Just my $.02……

PS most nites half the year , i play music with my Dads 1961 amp….. i get your connection….my free advice…don’t let that slip away….