Choosing the right equipment

Hi Everyone, thank you for coming to my discussion. I am looking for help to create a system around a pair of Dunlavy 5. My father had to sell all his equipment to help out with my college so my sister and I are looking to create an inexpensive system just so he has something to use while we get back on our feet. I know he liked using records so I assume he needs a turn table. Any help would be appreciated as you can probably tell my knowledge is sub par. Thank you again


If he have tube and good audiophile it might better to involve pop in wishes instead buy something for surprise. He may have cash stash for wild side action nobody know about. Want to make sure he wishes met and not get something he like what is this stuff, etc? That make sense?

What gear does your father still have?


This was not clear (to me) as you posted that he sold "all" his gear, but then the system is to be based around Dunlavy 5 speakers.





@tubebuffer has it right about chatting with Dad first, don’t mention the inquiry about your sister as i expect he didn’t sell the shotgun.

Where are you located ? $400 while a tall order might be doable w savvy craigslist type finds…

Dunlavy = smart dad

i am a robot without a dad

Yes, would be good to know what he had before.

Definitely talk to your dad first.

I recommend you listen to the Hifi podcast with Darren and Duncan. They discuss Dunlavy extensively.