First of all, I'd suggest that you consider the source for the class "A" or class "B" rating. These are just as you state, "reviewer ratings". Just trust your ears.
Secondly, some people prefer the "classic" sounding devices to the newer designs. Maybe that is a factor here.
I can tell you from my own personal experience that an audio component doesn't necessarily live up to it's price tag. For example, I've owned a Krell FPB600 ($12.5K) and a Plinius SA-250 MK IV ($8.5K) and yes, they sound quite different in my system. Both sound very good in there own respect. But, my preference has been with the Plinius. Is there a $4K difference? Not in my system. So here you have what TWL calls "diminishing returns". I also agree with TWL, that a 10-15% improvement is actually quite good, especially at the high end of audio gear.
Another factor to consider is how much difference will you hear in your current system by changing one component. Some times a very good component just won't shine in the wrong system. Could also be a factor.
Now, I've never heard the Kinergetics amp or the Spectron (yet), but I do have an opinion on the Pass amp. Pass! Some of Nelson's earlier designs sounded very good. IMHO, the new series of amps do not. I considered (auditioned) several Pass amps about a year ago.
One last word of advice, shop around. Listen to as many different amps (in your system) as possible before settling on one. Otherwise, you may wind up with a for sale post here sooner than you expected to.
Good Luck!