Class D amp recomendations please

Hello everyone,

I am currently running a BDA1 feeding a Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE Stage2, feeding a Musical Design D140I, and some home brew 1st order 4 way speakers that probably drop to about 4 ohms. I greatly enjoy the system but I am getting the bug to try the newer class D designs like GAN or NCore. Please educate me. Thank You


I was over at my stereo buddy's place last night listening to his new Peachtree GaN400 amp with his Buchardt speakers. There was nothing about that amp that reminded me of the dry and thinner sounding class d amps of times gone by. Granted I only spent a few hours listening but it's a very nice amp, class d or not.

Orchard Audio GaN FET Amplifier

The ONLY "Class D" Amplifier I'd recommend.

@rajugsw and you have listened to all of them?

LSA Voyger, Peachtree, New Bel Canto ref501S oops not out yet. AGD, GaN Mini, Think not.

a good time to remind folks who come here for info... this is a faceless, nameless forum with low standards for disclosure

so - when someone says i recommend ’xyz’... always click their ’details’ below their username in their post

important questions:

what are the qualifications of this poster?

what is his/her experience level? what has he/she tried? and thus, what is the ’recommendation’ based on?

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