Classe vs Levinson

Umm, I was just wondering if anyone has had a chance to compare the Classe 401 with a Levinson 336. My speakers are B&W 802N with a Levinson 380S pre-amp and a Sonic Frontiers CD. Is the Levinson really worth the extra 3 Grand, taking the law of diminishing returns into account?
Ag insider logo xs@2xsnooker14
I agree with the post before mine. Stay with the same gear thats where the synergy is at its best providing the equipment is good. AND THERE IS NO WAY THE KRELL IS BETTER THAN LEVINSON.... PEOPLE SOMETIMES MISTAKE A BRIGHT SYSTEM AS A DETAILED ONE THE LEVINSON PRODUCES TRUE DETAIL.......
Thank you all for your input. Although I thought my question was straight forward, simple and to the point, someone apparently must have thought not. So they gave me a double -2 . Would this person please advise me of the appropriate method I should now use to commit suicide in an honorable audiophile fashion? Would replacing the rectifier tubes in my amp with my index fingers while standing in water do the trick for you?
I have only heard the Levinson, which I liked a lot. But I can even out the vote. Hopefully I won't get a -2 for doing it !
With any amp in this price range there are tradeoffs. I love the warmth and musicality of the Classe CA 400. It comes down to your preferences and system matching. Classe matches very well with a number of tube preamps, and there is no reason to stay with the same manufacturer throughout your system, at least not if you want to be happy with the sound, that is. I have not extensively listened to Levinson gear, so I can't comment, but I do believe it comes down to just taste and preferences.