Clear Day silver jumpers or equivalent

Greetings. I'm currently running Clear Day double shotgun silver speaker cables and very happy with them. I would like to find the same silver jumpers. With Clear Day no longer in business after the passing of the owner Paul Laudati (a truly exceptional man by the way) buying a new set is not an option. Would like to find a pre-owned set but if I can't can anyone recommend something compatible in solid silver that won't break the bank? ThanksĀ 
That's the set up I ended up with: two sets of cables. That sounded better than any configuration of a single set of SCs, jumpers, and which inputs to use.

All the best,
+1 for silver. In my opinion anytime you can lower the resistance, whether cables, jumpers or CONNECTORS, that will result in better sound.
nonoise, we both agree it seems that when people say bi-wiring doesn't make a difference they either have equipment or ears that are not up to the task of noticing that difference.
fiesta75, agree on the benefits of silver. When people say silver causes harshness or sibilance I think they also don't have equipment up to the task. And when some even say that silver brings out too much detail in the music, I say WHAT? Too much detail? That's why I spent all of this money, to get all of the details out of the music. I have noticed that as my equipment gets better as I upgrade, high notes like violins and such that used to hurt my ears don't seem to anymore. Guess it's all about components that work well with each other