Jordan, You have superb equipment, and zero noise should be the expectation. If I were starting from scratch, knowing what I know now, I'd put together an all coincident system paired with my modwright sony (or an oppo) and be done. But I'm not starting from scratch, and I'm not kicking my Maggies to the curb, so the goal (and part of the fun) is making everything I have sing in harmony. Sadly, I really can't drive my Maggies with Franks.
Please let us know what sort of help Israel can offer on this. His customer base for the CSL really should explode, but he has to effectively serve the mix and match market to make that happen.
Please let us know what sort of help Israel can offer on this. His customer base for the CSL really should explode, but he has to effectively serve the mix and match market to make that happen.