Come Back Geoff Kait!

Has anyone heard from Geoff? 

I miss his humour and acerbic wit. 
As MC so eloquently stated earlier, we rarely agree on anything but it does appear GK is the exception.
I shudder to deep think what that even could imply!
Simple, extreme views meets at the infinite.... But in regular projective geometry the infinite is embedded in the finite and the reverse in polar counter Euclidean geometry....


I like the word "embed" because in English it link the 3 activities i like the most : love, geometry and audio....

« But what separate the finite from the infinite? A common repulsive object» -Groucho Marx

« Your bad metaphor are no more geometry»- Harpo Marx
Sometimes people just grow tired of the social media onslaught and fall back into a position of self-preservation.
At least one out of one hundred of GKs posts were funny and he came off knowledgeable. Your postings seems like the result of some kind of obsessive weirdness.. Why else would you make unlimited references to your virtual page? Why else would you repeat the same boring fanboy messages as if we didn’t have them memorized the second time? We’re talking about six thousand posts in 22 months.

And you are one of the two posters on this site who wrote offensive, belittling things about Almarg’s system. GK treated Al with the respect he deserves. Why do I remember, because I couldn’t believe someone took the time to insult the most liked gentleman on A’gon. As far as I am concerned the wrong clown is gone from this site.

For example millercarbon’s post about Al’s system in the "To good a post to waste" thread, even referencing us to Al’s system’s page to mock it:

millercarbon OP
6,028 posts07-04-2020 10:11pm
The “genius” who lists “stock cables” on his profile Audiogon Systems. That says it all.
No way.

Yes way!

Not only freebie rubber power cords, but lamp cord to the speakers.

Nothing to do now but apologize. Sorry, almarg. I had no idea. Sorry.

And, Al’s usual gentlemanly response:
almarg9,670 posts07-05-2020 6:31amGentlemen (and others), this thread is not about me or my system. My initial lengthy post which precipitated much of the recent argument provided technical explanations supportive of the belief that cables can sound different depending on the application in which they are used. That belief being widely (and IMO correctly) held by many audiophiles.

Subsequent responses insulting my system constitute "argumentum ad hominem." As stated in that Wikipedia writeup:

... argumentum ad hominem is a term that refers to several types of arguments, most of which are fallacious. Typically this term refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself. This avoids genuine debate by creating a diversion to some irrelevant but often highly charged issue.

-- Al

How about this one by Al:

almarg9,670 posts07-14-2019 3:28pmMillercarbon, was all that gratuitous nastiness really called for, and did it serve any useful purpose? Elizabeth has been a respected member here for vastly longer than you have, and her comments, while not invariably correct, have been helpful to countless people on countless occasions.

-- Al

Check around, you will see I am a mild mannered middle of the road person. I have never reported anyone in my 20 years here, but if I thought it would get you on your way I would do it in a heartbeat.
as I recently said..

Come Back Geoff Kait! - Audiogon Discussion › come-back-geoff-kait › post
I called Geoff and left a message of goodwill and concern sometime in early August. Look on line every couple of days in Virginia for any news.2 days ago Tom - 6 posts - ‎4 authors

Nothing on line today. Tom

I happen to like Geoff. I always felt people attacked him 1st, and he went into defense mode, obviously, attacking back. The way I see it, A'gon is not the same as years ago. I am on other sites, and there is less crap, and more professionalism, on these other sites. Maybe, Geoff, wised up, and is less interested, or fed up, with what goes on here, on the A'gon. Enjoy, be well and stay safe....all !