Confused... Projector or Plasma???????

I am in the middle of assembling components for a dedicated home theater room. It will have 2 rows of seating. 2nd row I gather would be about 16' from the screen. Don't know whether I should be looking at a projector set up or plasma set up. I would like the screen size to be between 5' ( i have been looking at the new pioneer elite 60") and 7' in width. (5' is probably a little too small at 16' away)I would assume the projector would be the way to go for anything above 60" at the moment(cost concerns). Which set up has the best picture quality? (if you were to compare 60" screens)What's the biggest bang for the buck?
In a dedicated room like the one you describe a projector makes much more sense. I agree with some of the previous posts that believe you are thinking too small for screen size.

We use a 92" diagonal screen here at Ultrafi and our viewing distance is 16 feet. If anything, with HD material, our screen is a little on the small side of the ideal range.

Think bigger!
If you have a dedicated room (which can be outfitted as a very small theater) you should have a projector. Only the "little people" have TV displays pressed into service calling them "home theaters". It's really kind of sad.
FWIW I watch from 13 feet, have a 106" screen, which is fine for 16x9 but not so good for wide screen. I suggest AVS Forum for information on projectors.

To me, it may be hard to tell a difference, but your eyes may see something that mines do not see. So, from an initial standpoint, I cannot tell any differences in perceived picture quality.

About the only differences between the "77U" and the "700U" is going to be picture resolution mainly. Feature sets are almost going to be equal (given in the end, the "700U" may have a few features that the "77U" may not). But the main difference is picture resolution. The "77U" can go up to 720p resolution and the "700U" will go up to 1080p resolution. And in a 42" set, you'll be hard pressed to detect any differences in picture quality, but you're going to pay $300.00 to about $500.00 more for a set with higher preceived resolution. Given that my Denon DVD-2910 can output only up 1080i, my getting a 42" plasma set that has 1080p resolution will almost prove to be a moot point to me.

So, in the end, you will to decide whether or not you can detect enough of a difference in picture quality and resolution to justify paying such a premium for the higher priced set. In my opinion, I cannot seem to see enough of a difference to justify paying that premium.

Only when you get a plasma set that is about 65" or larger, then the benefits of 1080p resolution will become more and more apparent. Otherwise, it is not necessary to get 1080p resolution in a 42" set.

Sorry that I couldn't be more helpful this time around.

I agree with Chas, 1080P in anything under 42in is simply bragging rights with no reasonable benefit, even at 720P and 1080I a projector is still the best bet while a couple things work themselves out, 1) would be the format war for the new disc technology....2) let the price come down, I bet this time next year both quality, and price will both be much better.
I agree with the projector recomendation if it can work in your room and conditions. For me it would not due to vaulted ceilings and windows on my back wall. I would have had to mount the projector in a cabinet on the floor. So I went Sony 50" SXRD. Its a great set but I still like my buddies 100" projector better. There is just nothing that gives the "cenematic experience" like a projector.