Conrad Johnson PV12 power transformer

Curious to listen to e180cc's in the output stage of a Pv12.  Yes I know these arent  a direct sub for a ecc82.  Main question is can the transformer supply the extra 200 mA needed, melting down the heater supply isnt worth appeasing my curiosity... 

My unit is from 1998 and the info on the power transformer states "783P8 MOD.  783P13, EIA-17-9715-4A". Google has turned up no info about this transformer unfortunately. 


any constructive thoughts on this which directly address the needed 200 mA are appreciated.




In this particular context I would say that’s a lot of current.

A better and much safer mod is, IMHO, reducing the overall gain of the preamp. Sorry I no longer remember what is involved but I believe it's a resistor change somewhere.

Download a Hickok tube tester manual 

There is a list of suitable tube substitutes.

Curious to listen to e180cc’s in the output stage of a Pv12. Yes I know these arent a direct sub for a ecc82.

ECC82 filament current is 150mA at 12.6V and E180CC is 200mA, the difference is 50mA.

PV12 transformer can support total of 6 tube filaments, the line stage only only utilize 2 tubes. If your unit comes with phono stage and you only use the line stage, remove tubes from phono stage can save filament current.