Considering a move to Exposure or Naim

Hi all,

I currently run a Rega Saturn and YBA YA201 integrated amp. I find this combination to be a little too un-involving. Almost like the music is too smooth, too weighed down. Some songs sound great, but I listen to a lot of rock and it just isn't rocking enough.

So I'm considering a move to an Exposure 2010s amp and CDP, or a Naim Nait 5i amp and CD5i CDP. If anyone has any insight into these it would be much appreciated.

The Rega Saturn is a great player and I'd be a bit disappointed to give it up, but I believe some of the edge I'm missing is due to the Saturn. I am pretty interested in using only one brand as well, as I perceive that would yield more synergy than I am getting currently. I'm not all that excited about getting a Mira3 to pair with the Saturn, although it is an option and something I can listen to. My dealer carries Naim, Exposure, Rega, and Cambridge Audio.

I guess it all depends on my listening to the gear and deciding which combination I like best, but I hope to hear some feedback from you all.

When I heard the Naim combo you are considering it was used to drive the Dynaudio Sapphires. I was blown away with the overall sound. Very musical especially for the money. For me that combo really got my toes tapping and head bobbing.

As far as the Rega when I was shopping for cd players I thought the Rega was very good for the money but dry sounding to me. I spent a lot more and ended up with the Meridian G08.

Any way those are my personal opinions. See if your dealer will let you demo what ever you choose in your home (it never sounds the same as somewhere else - could be better or may be much worse).
Naim is very musical, exposure a bit smoother. Naim can be easily upgraded also. Your cd player is very good for the price and can be utilized with both. Naim is high current so power is deceiving. Probably need an audition to first.
Hi folks, thanks for the replies. I will be running a pair of Monitor Audio RS5 speakers. Long term they will move to HT, but for now they will be the stereo speaker.

A bit of history...the RS5 are new and I've barely listened to them. I plan to do that now to see how they alter the sound. Most of my listening thus far has been through Tannoy Mercury F2 and Wharfedale Evo2-10. The Tannoys rocked pretty good when used with an old system (a Denon mini-system) in the same room. Much less power and refinement obviously, but I guess for whatever reason it let rock come out in a way that made sense.

Of course the Tannoy are way outclassed when matched with Rega/YBA, but to me that should mean that I should be getting everything out of the F2 that there possibly is. If this system could rock then the F2 should rock the way it did before.

So this has lead me to where I am now, considering a change of electronics. The RS5 just happens to have happened at the same time. I saw a great deal and grabbed it, in large part because I do not enjoy the Wharfedale, which itself was supposed to be an upgrade to the Tannoys. I hope everyone follows what I am saying!

I really love the Saturn. It's such a sweet and elegant player. I could hear the improvement in sound immediately over my old player (a Marantz universal). I am loathe to get rid of the Saturn, but on the other hand it may improve overall system synergy to do so even if the Saturn is the better player.

Now there has also been a change of plan. I really wanted to try Naim and to like it, but the dealer I was going through let's just say is not the most customer focused guy. I am going through another dealer now, one that I've dealt with in the past who is an awesome guy and who I'd rather deal with. This dealer opened up as an option since coincidentally I found out that he just added the Exposure line and will get the new 2010s (version 2) in, probably today. He also carries Creek. I should be able to compare the two.

The thing with Naim, that the first dealer had made me aware of, is that it has no pre-out or sub-out. I do run a sub and would like to use it. I could do so with speaker cable to the sub I guess, but I also just bought some subwoofer cable earlier this year to use with the sub. Seems a silly reason to not consider Naim perhaps, but this is going to involve more work when I was hoping to have things finalized in the next few days. So Naim is on the back burner...I think I will demo Exposure and Creek. If I don't like either then I may re-consider Naim. If I like Exposure or Creek then I feel I will buy one of them. Whether I just buy the amp and continue to use the Saturn I guess I will see.

Does anyone here feel there is something to be said for synergy, obtained by using the same brand? If we agree that different components sound different, and that different companies build their gear to sound a certain way, then aren't you messing with that sound by combining different brands? How can you expect to get the sonic signature that Rega puts into the Saturn if you combine it with Creek or Exposure? Whereas, if you used the 2010s amp and CDP together, you should be assured that you are getting exactly what Exposure wants to come out. This seems logical to me but I know many will disagree!

And I apologize for the long post.
I understand your liking of the Tannoy F2's as I have the F1's and the MX1-1m's. These are great sounding spks. I disagree w/your statement that the Saturn and YBA outclasses the Tannoy's. I've listened to the Monitor Audio's for about 3 hrs while waiting for a car audio install. They were powered by Parasound seperates and they sounded excellent. I was impressed. I take it that you've listened the MA w/your Saturn and YBA? I'm assuming you found the sound not to your liking. I have a feeling you'll need a warm, powerful amp to bring out the best from these spks. Good Luck!