Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
During this time, I started to search out other brands and came across one called PrimaLuna. I have watched their videos and seen them compared to ARC equipment. Their build quality seems to be superior to ARC and the reviews are over the top. I am looking at their Dialogue Premium HP amp and their Dialogue Premium pre-amp. For what they cost, considering how they are built and supposedly sound compared to units costing 3 to 4 times their price, they almost seem too good to be true. Anyway, my bubble has been burst, and in simple terms, I am considering jumping ship and going with another company instead of ARC, despite all those years of drooling and waiting.
My main question is this, is there anyone out there that either owns PrimaLuna or has had experience with the equipment and can give me their opinion on owning and using it. Then, my second question is how does PrimaLuna really compare to other high end equipment such as ARC. Kevin Deal in his videos on PrimaLuna makes a very compelling case for the equipment. In one video, he compares an ARC LS17SE to the PrimaLuna pre-amp.
My last question is in regards to my ARC VS115 amp problems. Anyone have an opinion on what is going on with my amp or a VS115 in general. For those of you who want to know what else is in my system, I am using KEF 104ab speakers, a Cambridge Azur 752BD Blu-ray player as my CD player, Morrow Audio Cables and I am considering getting the Sony HAP-Z1ES music player for my digital files.
I greatly appreciate all who take the time to comment and give their opinions. I will be glad to answer any questions you may ask or provide additional. Thanks for your help. Steve.
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- 242 posts total
Going up will reap some benefits, but not as large as going up in amps.This is the fun debate. Kevin is not the only one with tons of experience/knowledge who believes this and just as many with equal experience and knowledge say the opposite. I don't like repeating myself. There are many more superlative amps than preamps in this world. That about sums it up. Let me ask this; if Kevin's claims about the PL preamp were true, why does the listening comparison set for this Saturday have nothing to do with his preamp vs. an Ayre, C-J, Coincident, VTL, or ARC benchmark level preamp? Why is it an integrated vs. an integrated? Taking a different approach, my AMR DP777 has many fans who believe it to be one of the best available DAC's and AMR's very talented chief designer/engineer claims it offers a top level built-in preamp. It's fine, but boring. My Manley Steelhead again features claims that it can be used as a top level preamp. It's fine but not great. 99.8% of dedicated preamps/linestages are competent but damn the rest of the system down-chain to being merely competent. Kevin is just plain wrong-amps are at their heart the simplest of electronics- not preamps. Amps do nothing more than regulate the energy coming out of your wall. |
With due respect, feels like you're going to all this trouble to invite people in to double blind, then kind of invalidating a major part by not using KT-150s or EL34s in both (or better, do two with each). Wouldn't you agree that alone those tube sets sound a fair bit different in the exact same amp? I can at least speak from experience in the PL lines... |
parsons With due respect, feels like you're going to all this trouble to invite people in to double blind, then kind of invalidating a major part ...Actually he's made it clear that the event won't be double-blind. He wrote: ... play a track on amp A, move the source and speaker to amp B, and listen. Simple. Same cut. Same volume. Don't even turn off the amps. Instant. |
"Level matched. Double blind too if you can figure a way to do that. I want the change from amp to amp to be instantaneous as the mind is not as sharp as people think." I agree, our minds aren't so sharp when it comes to sonic memory. If you or someone else figures a way to incorporate the double blind-double thanks! Any chance that amazing Avenger setup making an appearance? Hearing the PL with A1 gear/cables is always a treat. |
- 242 posts total