Contemplating vinyl, How hard is it to get LPs?

This may sound lame, but I've been "digital only" now
for 10 years. I was thinking about getting a Rega
Planar 3 and going back. So as stupid as it may
sound, I wanted to get a feeling for how hard it
would be to start an LP collection of 70s/80s

Rolling Stones, Van Halen, Journey, Don Henley,
Aerosmith, Boston.. These are the bands I would
be looking for. Are LPs readily Mail Orderable
and or is it a scavenger hunt kind of process?

How much do LPs cost these days? Are they pressing
new music on LP?

You can't always tell playability by visual methods. I purchased a "not for sale" demo LP which, according to seller, "Are usually pressed with much higher quality as they are going to radio stations... blah, blah, blah". This poor platter was the worst sounding thing (although it looked spankin' new). On the plus side, using the web, I've found EVERY "long lost" disk from my distant youth. Most truly are in pristine condition and at less-than-new prices. Now if they would only clean themselves and not wear out...
There is no definitive way to evaluate a used LP other than to clean and play it. I'm sure all of us have several LPs that look bad but play extremely well and other LPs that look pristine and play poorly. Generally speaking, though, ratty covers and scratched, dirty vinyl, worn holes and worn labels around the hole indicate abuse. Remember that light surface scuffs from sliding the record out of the sleeve is typical and doesn't affect the sound. Scratches that catch your fingernail when you slide your nail over it will "pop" when played. Get some sort of guarantee from the seller if possible, or at least get the seller to work with you. A good wet cleaning system can rejuvenate vinyl to a surprising degree and is almost a must.

Phild is correct that ratings are very subjective and inconsistent. Using "Goldmine" magazine standards, I've seen some dealers mark a record as "Mint Minus" when I would have given it a "Good Plus" which is kinda rough.

If you buy alot of used LPs, it's inevitable that some will be worn or otherwise unsatisfactory. Even taking the bad with the good, used LPs are a great value and, with reasonably good play-back equipment, sound better and are more rewarding than a comparable CD. (Even my non-audiophile girlfriend can plainly hear the sonic superiority of an LP over a CD when a high quality recording is played back in both formats.)

Welcome back to analog!

There is still plenty of new vinyl being produced. Ebay has lots of it (but shipping always negates the good prices). Best is to realize that you friends probably mothballed their record collections years ago and many would be happy to "lend" them to you if you intend to play them.

Co-workers are often quite shocked to learn that new turntables are still being sold..... They are a gold mine!
about being able to tell ok used vinyl from ruined used vinyl: I think it is an acquired art. M. Fremer from Stereophile and other audio magazines said once he brings a jeweler's loup and one of the those headbands with a lamp on it (that doctor's use) to scrutinize used records. Of course, that still leaves unanswered as to exactly *what* he is looking for. Dweller above is all too correct: sometimes a record can look fine, but can actually be ruined. All it takes is a few plays with a horridly old ragged needle, I suppose, to do untold microscopic damage.

But my local used-vinyl store dealer tells me he can tell by looking ata record whether it is in ok shape or not. Not sure if he uses a microscope or what. He won't tell me!!!! (He is trying to keep my business, hehe)

BTW, never judge a record completely until it has been thoroughly cleaned. You would not believe the mold and gunk that can lodge deep into a records grooves if that album has been sitting around for 10 or 20 years in some damp garage.

Look in your local Sunday newspaper under classifieds. Just this past weekend I found an ad for some lp's and ended up buying 1200 (about 900 of which are keepers) for $300. You can't do much better than that.

You will need a serious record cleaning machine, though. I use, and recommend, the formidable VPI HW-17F. It's worth every penny. You can get a good deal on new inner and outer sleeves at