Core Power Technologies

Does anyone know, is Core Power Technologies still around? I was considering purchasing (2) Ec1200’s but don’t want to be in a holding pattern for the next year. Are they or (Mark) still in existence? What’s the lowdown or suggestion of comparable item.
No - just reading the news now, I'll be reaching back out to the Core Power transition team asking for the refund now that Modwright is out.  Will keep everyone posted.

Dear Friends,



With great pride and pleasure I can inform you that Core Power Technologies LLC has an offer sheet in hand and will be sold to a wonderful group that has decades in the audio space.


This company will be headed daily by our friend Kemper Holt who will be taking all calls and answering all e-mails for Core Power. Mark and Lynn are no longer going to be involved and will concentrate on health and wellness in the coming months and years. All products will be built, tested and shipped from Newbury Park CA at the facilities of RF Circuits.


Further details will be forthcoming but I can share with you that we are now in-process confirming all product owed (or refund where requested) for the new to-be owners. Many of you will see e-mails from to confirm all details. The new group will be handling ALL refunds or product shipments. Some of you requested EQUI=CORE 300’s for your Deep Core order and we shipped 3 such units last week. More forthcoming. The very nice lady doing these tasks for the new owner has reported some very nice messages – I thank you for that! She is roughly ½ way through the data I provided.


There is a lot I would love to share… but my Job One Focus is to get the everything ready for the new owners and deal with current needs here. All of my contacts remain the same for now.




If you have questions or needs – just call me – or write.


I wish to personally thank Dan Wright for his consideration. I did inform Dan about 12 days back about a new offer but I needed to verify everything before stepping forward. Dan is a good person and a wonderful friend to boot. Thank You Dan.


Best wishes to all…


Mark and Lynn


From what has, or hos not transpired, it would seem that the notice signed off be Mark and Lynn, posted by Kemper is not all it appears to be.

I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has been contacted by this mysterious "" email address regarding their order/refund status.

From my perspective, this appears to be a blind post to take the heat away from CPT and Mark himself. I do not believe that there is a new offer/owner, nor do I believe that CPT et al are going to make good on business promises made in the past.

With this in mind, I intend to contact the equivalent of Australia's business complaints ombudsman to see what can be done to seek recompense or justice for what appears to be blatant fraudulent business behaviour by Mark Shifter.

I have repeatedly tried to contact this mysterious interim status group, which I believe now is bogus, emailed Mark as welcomed by Mark himself in his notice, and even tried to phone call him from Australia, all without success.

I would like to hear from anyone who may be able to assist in this matter so that "customers" like myself can seek some sort of representation or justice in this whole fraudulent saga.

Thanks, Adrian

amg56, et al

I know this situation is extremely frustrating. However, 

If you've ever been involved in the sale/purchase of a business, you would know it takes time for both parties to go through EVERYTHING (Due Diligence) and both parties are typically bound by Confidentiality. I can't answer whether that includes not taking your calls, but everyone knows Mark has serious health issues, which stress is known to add to

As a thought, since you have waited this long, why not give it a couple weeks before seeking legal action

Having owned Furman, PS Audio Premier Power Plant and 3 CTPs, I know how viable the product is. Someone is/will take advantage of buying the company, and all that we've gone through will be a distant bad dream