The new Krell stuff is very good. I have owned four or five Krell pieces. The FPB amps are as good as nearly anything available.
That said, I prefer the better Classe gear.
Mapleleafs3 is just plain stupid! There is no basis in fact for the FOOLISH things he wrote. He could claim that he does not like Krell, or that he heard them in a system where they did not sound good to his ears, but when anyone condemns a brand like that they should be written off as an unwise person!!!
I owned a KSP 7b, and KRC II pre-amp and the FPB 200 and later an FPB 700cx. The latter was much better sounding than the former. It was not just an issue of greater power. The cx series made some serious sonic improvements over previous models.
The Krell pre-amps tend to be too analytical for me. I replaced mine with a Klyne 7LX3.5b, and found it to be less detailed, but more musical.
I replaced the Krell FPB 700cx with a Classe Omicron. It has less power, but I don't think it really gives anything up to the better Krell amps. Keep in mind that this is 110% personal preference
Tubes are high maintenence, and they can cause people with weak minds to get anal, like mapleleafs3, is that what you want???