Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
There is a conspiracy and those who are not conscious of it are, to say the least, not with an head out of the sands of their daily work...

But playing with different possibles conspiracies in an audio forum is useless...

I prefer to stick with facts and reason:

In a pandemy with a coronavirus which is airborne and mutating very much, IMPOSING FORCEFULLY MASSIVE vaxx to all people at the cost of losing their jobs if they dont submit their own body and ERASING all low cost effective treatments observed to be useful by hundred or thousand of doctors all around the world is CRIMINAL and cost the lives of millions...

Then discussing what is in these vaxx that is SECRET of TRADE is spurious...(of course i dont think that all what is in it, is healthy, too much money at stake and not enough time to verify by these corporation because time is money)

I dont trust any institution of health because they are submissive to tech and chemical corporations, those who trust them are sheeps or sleepwalkers...

But it is useless here to illustrate possible conspiracies or corruptions...Stick to the evidence plain for all to see without too much brain work...

The fact i just underlined is a crime equal to Nazi Doctors say Dr. Zelenko an hassidic doctor who lost his family in the holocaust and who dont speak of genocide lightly...

I think that suppressing working simple drugs is a CRIME....

It is useless here to go in the gain of function research and the evident traces on the road let by these criminals....An inquiry will do it not us....

Stick to this indisputable fact : manipulation of fear, negation of treatment and antidemocratic totalitarian vaccinations mandated by almost force....

I am ashamed to be canadian...

«Intelligence without the will to understand is like a wheelbarrow without wheel»-Anonymus Smith

The invention belongs to the field of nano materials and biomedicine, and relates to a vaccine, in particular to development of 2019-nCoV coronavirus nuclear recombinant nano vaccine. The invention also comprises a preparation method of the vaccine and application of the vaccine in animal experiments. The new corona vaccine contains graphene oxide, carnosine, CpG and new corona virus RBD; binding carnosine, CpG and neocoronavirus RBD on the backbone of graphene oxide; the CpG coding sequence is shown as SEQ ID NO 1; the novel coronavirus RBD refers to a novel coronavirus protein receptor binding region which can generate a high-titer specific antibody aiming at the RBD in a mouse body, and provides a strong support for prevention and treatment of the novel coronavirus.

Trade secrets are not declared on Ingredients lists. The lipid delivery mechanism falls under that category.
There are medical studies after medical studies extolling the virtues of using Graphene Oxide and it being the best delivery mechanism for MRNA, independent scientists have looked at the vaccines and found Graphene oxide in them.
Japan found suspended black particles in the vaccines that killed people, just suspended at the bottom of the vials.
At least 30 researchers that have looked at this thing under the microscope, have seen all sorts of things not declared on the label.
Trade secret........ also some of the biggest side effects of injected Graphene Oxide ..........
Micro Clotting and Myocarditis.
Jond, though they are pricey I have slowly changed out to all Acoustic Zen Absolute Copper speaker cables and interconnects with the exception of power cords. PC's have been from Danny Richie with GR Research. Great power cables for very little money. 
The lipids used are listed in the ingredient lists not sure what more you want. And Bitchute is a platform for hate so no need for me to search for anything there.
And Bitchute is a platform for hate so no need for me to search for anything there.
Like in any platform using his brain is mandatory...

If bitchute is uncensored then for sure there will be some hate stupid videos...

But do you think Youtube is a platform for love ?

The question is not about preference for  a platform or another....

The question is the possibility to go where there is no censorship....

For example there is no censorship in this thread for  now then anybody can say false facts here or partial one or promoting hate.... I prefer that to censorship...

Then declaring that an entire platform is useless because of some Hate videos is to say the least not a very great argument...

I am polite here...

Freedom has no price.....

Like famously say Voltaire, Bertrand Russell, and Noam Chomsky, i want to die for the freedom of anyone to speak his mind even if it is hateful....