This is not ignorance..... They believe this in their heart of hearts.
They really really believe it. Yes, the TV is shaping their Worldview, I would not argue that... but they have bought this way of thinking hook line and sinker.
Taking a living away from a man is akin to killing him, and they make these proclamations so callously.
One of my friends, has a 1.5 year old daughter, has a wife 7 months pregnant, he recently got fired from his job at his accounting firm. Do what we tell you, or you and your family starve to death. ( He will land on his feet/ how many others won’t ?)
They really believe this...... what else will they not be willing to do, if the TV tells them it is okay?
They really really believe it. Yes, the TV is shaping their Worldview, I would not argue that... but they have bought this way of thinking hook line and sinker.
Taking a living away from a man is akin to killing him, and they make these proclamations so callously.
One of my friends, has a 1.5 year old daughter, has a wife 7 months pregnant, he recently got fired from his job at his accounting firm. Do what we tell you, or you and your family starve to death. ( He will land on his feet/ how many others won’t ?)
They really believe this...... what else will they not be willing to do, if the TV tells them it is okay?