D’Agostino Momentum stereo vs D’Agostino Progression Stereo Amp

Hello all, I was wondering if anyone heard both on the same setup and could point out the differences in sound ( soundstaging, timbre, bass and treble extension,...)
Maybe a bit early to say, but any technical or reliability issues with either of these gorgeous amps?
Any comparisons with other top amps (Rowland 825, Ayre MX-R twenty,...) 

They are both good choices.....If I were you, I will contact my dealer to bring both amps for in-home audition. 

At this level of investment, you want to hear the amp with your upstream components and speakers and not quite make an decision based on other folks experiences and opinions. 
The dealer in question should then have to possess both models, and offer the momentum at secondhand prices🙄
Looks like your dealer can’t afford you the flexibility of audition. If you are buying a new amp from a dealer, he should provide you the full service, i.e. in-home or store demo of the amps you’re willing to buy. If he is not capable of providing you full service then I would look at another brand. 

If you buy used Agostino amp then you’re assuming all the risk. If you like it, you keep the amp and if you don’t then resell it. 

I am sorry but if I am spending $35K - $22K, I would want to hear that amp first before purchase. 
Dan is one of the most disreputable manufacturers of equipment I can think of. I owned one of his Preamps. 8 years into its life one of the micro potentiometers broke. It was a custom pot and he did not keep any in stock for repairs. He told me to get a pot from Radio shack and mount it on the outside!!! A $6 K preamp back in 1981! If you think you are making a lifetime investment forget it. Do not go near any of his used equipment. If something goes you are screwed.