DAC recommendation for DSD input

Hello-- 80% of my listening is streaming local DSD (64-256) files via Roon. My current system is Roon Core on an iMac Pro making its way to a Sonore Optical Rendu which is connected, via USB to the DAC in my Hegel H390 integrated which feeds Magico A3 speakers and a pair of REL S/510 subs.. There is nothing at all objectionable to my current system, nonetheless, I am wondering if an external DAC might be an improvement over the H390's DAC and if that is a worthwhile spend.  I am space constrained so I must stick with an integrated (pre+amp), but do have space for a DAC and the Rendu system.

I have spent hours researching many of the newer and older DACS, including the cheaper "Chifi" DACS (Topping, Gustard R26 and X26iii),  T+A 200 DAC, PS Audio Direct Stream MKi2 and Mola Mola Tambaqui (used) and other DACs in-between (Denefrips Pontus and Terminator, Holo May, Wyred for Sound 10th anniversary, etc).  

I would rather spend $5k-$10K for a significant improvement as opposed to  $1K-$4K for no or a slight improvement. My hope is for more resolution, more musicality, less high frequency fatigue, tighter bass.  Is it unrealistic to expect that an external DAC will bring a significant improvement?

My system is in a decent room, but there is little to no choice in speaker placement or room treatment opportunities.

I have a chance to audition the T+A 200 DAC and the Direct Stream MK2.  In a previous system, I had an MSB Discrete stack which was nice, but I'm not sure that would be the worth the cost today.

What type of DAC (chip based, FPGA, R2R, OS/NOS) is more structured to DSD input?  I've almost ruled out R2R, but could be mistaken?  The deeper I look, the more confused I get.  

Thanks for any recommendations or advice.




One needs to consider the nature of their system to decide what is the best DAC for it. For example, my office system is now on the warm side with the Schitt Mjolnir v3 preamp and Schitt Wotan amp. I used the Schitt Yggi+ LIM DAC in my prior office setup which was a brighter system. With the current system the rolled off LIM is rather mushy; so, today I am using my ’too hot on top" Benchmark DAC3B on this new warm system and it sounds really good. No need to change anything,


Nonetheless, I agree that a dedicated server would be an improvement.

I have 3 OpticalRendu’s and these things are rather good. The beauty of the Rendu’s is that you do not need to keep the computer near the audio gear, like you would with a dedicated server. In fact, your computer (I have a cheap DELL) should be as good as a dedicated server if you are using fiber just before the DAC. Which you are with the OpticalRendu. The fibre acts as a MOAT against the analog gremlins that a dedicated server has also been optimized for, but at a high $$ cost.

BTW - Just an FYI there is a thread by the dealer verdantaudio (sp?) where he is now testing the latest $40K Linn DAC. This DAC can input a fibre SFP directly on the DAC. No need to use USB via an OpticalRendu. You may find it interesting and realize how good your Rendu’s are because you are doing almost the same thing.

BTW2 - my best DAC is the Schitt Yggi+ OG which you cannot buy anymore, and I will never sell. It is similar to the 5x more expensive Mola Mola Tambaqui. Mike Moffat at Schitt is a very experienced DAC designer. This summer they are coming out with the next version of the Yggi+. I am going to send my LIM DAC to get upgraded. I must say I do not like the LIM anymore. It was purposely rolled off on top and I got fooled into buying it. I think the next Yggi+ could be great.

Edit: Oops, did not see the requirement for DSD. Forget the Yggi+ then. I play DSD using the incredible D.BOB ($600 - $800) and my Benchmark DAC3B 
GeerFab Audio - GeerFab


I am unclear after reading the thread here as to whether or not the OP DAC in the Hegel does native DSD without a PCM conversion.


I haven’t heard the DAC in the Hegel so I can’t comment from experience . However if it doesn’t do native DSD and since the OP stated that “84%” of his listening is native DSD, then I would get a DAC that does native DSD . Why gaff around with putting so much emphasis into obtaining DSD files and then not want to optimize the experience?

fwiw I have had FACs that do native DSD and ones that do PCM conversions. I always prefer the straight unadulterated delivery. However we are talking about that last little bit of excellence

@mintakax , since you live in Colorado, The Music Room would be another retail option. They have a buy it - try it program; so, you'd avoid the out-of-pocket shipping costs on anything that you tried and didn't like.


FWIW, the PS Audio DAC was designed to get the best performance from DSD thru the use of an I2S input./output.

From my experience, the Mola Mola Tambaqui will be your biggest bang for the buck.  You've already got Roon, which is essential. In order to take full advantage (full resolution) of DSD files you'll need to go into the Tambaqui with USB. The Tambaqui does sound great however with AES/EBU and S/PDIF.